Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Ethical Dilemmas Ethical Dilemma - 1117 Words
Ethical Dilemmas? Well what are ethical dilemmas though? Ethical dilemmas are a case of reasoning that involves a right versus right decision. As anyone can comprehend, an ethical dilemma has multiple answers. In any case involving a right versus right decision, it is based on a number of factors, including your intuition, thinking and even feeling. However, to solve these predicaments, Kidder came up with 3 principles that are aimed at assisting the decision making process. Although Kidder determined these principles, making a decision involving ethical dilemmas revolves around the idea of a person’s own values and what they believe is right in their own mind. In order to apply Kidder’s 3 principles that are aimed at aiding the decision making process when it comes to ethical dilemmas, an ethical situation must first be determined. For this specific paper, I elected to write about the ethical dilemma of choosing whether to offer an impoverished family or individual a m ortgage for a home that they are highly probable to default on or deny them that mortgage. For instance, giving a family or individual who only brings in a mere $20,000 a year, a $200,000 loan or denying them that money. This idea correlates to the mortgage crisis of 2007 when the growth of housing prices stalled and demand slowed. As a result, lenders accepted loans when they knew that a high degree of risk and insolvency probable. Eventually, banks became bankrupt and the government established stimulusShow MoreRelatedEthical Dilemmas Of The Workplace1538 Words  | 7 Pages1. Discuss an ethical dilemma that you have had to face in the workplace. Ethical dilemmas often occur when a manager or an employee is faced with two or more conflicting choices. Give as many facts and details as possible in describing your dilemma. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Properties of Gases Free Essays
Heather Schnicker 26 October 2012 Experiment # 4 (Lab 3) Properties of Gases PURPOSE The purpose of this experiment was to investigate and identify the chemical properties of the gases tested. DATA Gas| FLAME REACTION| GLOWING SPLINT| LIMEWATER REACTION| BROMOTHYMOL BLUE REACTION| Hydrogen| NO REACTION| Â | Â | Â | Oxygen| Â | BURNED BRIGHTER| Â | Â | Hydrogen amp; Oxygen| QUICK FLAME BURST| Â | Â | Â | Carbon Dioxide| Â | PUT THE FIRE OUT| NO REACTION| TURNED YELLOW| Alka Seltzer| Â | Â | BUBBLED| Â | Breath| Â | Â | HUGE BUBBLES| Â | CONCLUSION Based off this experiment it made me realize that the reactions are much more different when comparing an acidic or basic solution. By doing these experiments at home also proves a point in that knowing what type of reaction to expect is a must. We will write a custom essay sample on Properties of Gases or any similar topic only for you Order Now QUESTIONS A. Give two reasons why we fill the gas generator test tubes almost to the top with chemicals. * To get as much gas as possible without any air * Some of the chemicals could react with the oxygen that is filling up the rest of the test tube B. What happens to the zinc in the hydrogen generation experiment? * It dissolves C. What happens to the manganese in the oxygen generation experiment? * The manganese acted as a catalyst D. Write a balanced equation for the reaction between 02 and H2? -H2 + H2 +02= 2H20 E. What is the function/purpose of the bromothymol blue in the C02 experiment? -To show how acidic solutions react differently than basic solutions E. Bromothymol blue is blue in the presence of basic solutions, and yellow in the presence of acidic solutions. If your solution is a murky green, what might you assume about a solution? -It is a mixture of acidic and basic solutions How to cite Properties of Gases, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Trade and Border Control Procedure
Question: Discuss about theTrade and Border Control Procedure. Answer: Introduction Australia is a seafood lovers place. Since two decades, the amount of seafood production has been almost 230,000 tonnes every year. According to Watson et al (2015), they export high value seafood products such as premium tuna species, rock lobsters and abalone and import low value products such as canned tuna mostly from Asian countries such as China, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and other countries including New Zealand. Watson et al (2015) added that it is estimated that almost 66% of its total seafood consumption is from importation. Guy et al (2014) stated that the widely eaten imported seafood product in Australia is the white boneless flesh of basa or catfish. It is a low cost yet delicious seafood product that has become the nations favorite. On the other hand, United States is another such country that imports groudfish, squid, crab, tuna, salmon, and shrimp mainly from China, Canada, Thailand, Vietnam, Ecuador and Vietnam. Ninety percent of the countrys total seafood consump tion is due to importation from these places. However, at first, the American anglers caught the seafood, then they are exported to other countries for processing and after that, they are imported for the second time to the United States. For a safe and legal importation of seafood, both Australia and United States have set the guidelines. This essay will carry out an in-depth study on the trade and border control polices of both these countries while importing seafood. Comparative Study of Australia and US Trade and Border Control Polices Trade and border control policies are implemented to prevent illegal trade of products. In an age of global trading, it has become mandatory for each country to follow the strict guidelines designed by the state authorities. In case of seafood products, it is even more necessary not because illegal trading damages the nations reputation and fuels more illegal trading, but also because seafood products should be scanned before they reach the kitchens otherwise health issues may occur that may turn to an epidemic. Keeping everything in mind, both Australia and United States have tightened their trade and border control policies. As discussed by Guy et al (2014), Australias Federal Government agency verifies issues related to food security. The guidelines known as Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) finds out all food safety related risks in Australia and New Zealand. Guy et al (2014) added that they monitor the issues and recommend the essential actions that should be taken while producing, selling and manufacturing the food products. In case of imports, Australia has to consider the biosecurity issues. According to Bellmann et al (2016), importation of unsafe and illegal seafood products can harm the biosecurity of the country and for that reason, Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) enforces Quarantine laws. Bellmann et al (2016) added that they are a part of Australias Department of Agriculture. AQIS does all the inspection and certification to find out the health status of the animals, plants and the food products. They jointly work with FSANZ to ensure that commercially imported seafood products in Australia are in accordance with Australias Quarantine standards and the Food Standards Code. In 1908, the Quarantine Act was propounded that sets the rules related to the imports (Border.gov.au, 2016). According to Cooper (2014), however, the 30-member company, which is named The Seafood Importers Association of Australia (SIAA) checks the security issues too concerning the imported seafood products. Cooper (2014) opined that SIAA is a member of AQIS Imported Food Consultative Council. They work as an extension of National Aquaculture Council, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Seafood cooperative Research Center, and State Seafood Industry Councils. As discussed by Guy et al (2014), they have their name enlisted in NSW (New South Wales) Incorporation Act. SIAAs primary responsibilities are to ensure fair trade and give strategic inputs to the seafood industry for a better decision-making system. They develop associations with many authorities for t he advancement in the seafood importation. Matsushita et al (2015) discussed that apart from assessing the food safety standards, they also monitor the official procedures including documentation while importing seafood products. According to Matsushita et al (2015), the employees of SIAA conduct small tours to investigate about the new fishing and farming developments in other parts of the world and often in remote areas. In United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regulate the importation of seafood (Fda.gov, 2016). Strict restrictions are there regarding the quantity of caviar that can be imported. The travelers can bring not more than 125 grams of caviar and if they violate this norm, the goods are seized (Americanseafoodimports.com, 2016). In case of Shrimp importation, the Department of state, Office of Marine Conservation has certified some of the countries as eligible to export shrimp to United States. They send the list to the Customs and Border protection (CBP) (Americanseafoodimports.com, 2016). This certification is based on the nature of shrimp harvesting in those countries. The Customs and Border Protection maintains a field-office structure that includes 20 Field Operations offices working around the United States (Americanseafoodimports.com, 2016). Their job is to manage and supervise 320 ports of entry surrounding the country and 14 preclearance offices situated in Canada and Caribbean (Cbp.gov, 2016). CBP implements import laws and regulations keeping the Ports of entry in mind. At first, the importers have to submit a form named DS-2031 which was formerly known as DSP-121 to CBP (Cbp.gov, 2016). The countries without the certification should fill the form DS-2031 and submit it with every entry. Thus, government certification is essential for the CBP release. The FDA ensures that they have the prior notice regarding the importation of all commercial foods including the seafood products (Fda.gov, 2016). All the foreign manufacturers and distributors willing to resale their food products should register themselves with FDA for the permission of reselling (Fda.gov, 2016). As discussed by Gephart and Pace (2015), CBP also ensures the security and safety of the United States. They also take the responsibilities such as collecting the taxes and fees for the protection o f the nations revenue. They detect, interdict, and investigate and prevent before any illegal trade takes place. Green (2013) pointed out that the owner, purchaser, and his authorized regular employee of the merchandise should carry the goods imported to the United States. Green (2013) added that the licensed custom broker can do this job on behalf of them. The United States tariff laws authorize the Customs Brokers and it enables them to play the role of agents for the importers. The firm or person intending to import names the custom broker as the CBP power of attorney at the time of CBs entry. The large quantity of seafood consumed by United States not only comes from importation but also it harvests them in large quantity. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is responsible for designing the conservation and management of fisheries across the globe. It ensures safe and legal seafood consumption. The fisheries of NOAA implements the Catch Documentation Scheme according to which any person who imports Antarctic marine living resources to the United States should be permitted by the dealers (Noaa.gov, 2016). In case of toothfish importation, this is applicable to all kinds of toothfish produced inside or outside the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) (Noaa.gov, 2016). As discussed by Gephart and Pace (2015), dealers have to apply for ore-approval before each toothfish import. They should also carry the dealers permit copy while importing the toothfish to the United States. According to a revised regulation in 2 003, Gephart and Pace (2015) pointed out that the dealers importing toohfish in shipments weighed less than 2000kgs need not require any preapproval. They can carry on filing import tickets within 24 hours for each shipment with a DCD copy. Gephart and Pace (2015) added that the preapproval is necessary in case the dealers carry frozen toothfish or shipments with more than 2000kgs of fresh toothfish. Another aspect, as mentioned by Gephart and Pace (2015), is that the CCAMLR members failed to implement a centralized vessel monitoring system and cannot adjust with the prevalent VMS requirements. As a result of this, NOAA fisheries have banned the importation of seafood products harvested in FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) Areas 51 and 57, i.e. from Indian Ocean Western to Indian Ocean Eastern. (Noaa.gov, 2016). Australias trade policies promote liberalization of trade across the globe (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2016). Seafood consumption and importation has grown up since the nation have emphasized upon establishing a safe and liberal trade. It enhances the economic growth and sustained prosperity. Since 1970s, Australia is seen reducing its amount of tariff and some trade distortion protections on the agricultural and food products (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2016). The Export Council of Australia (ECA) advocates the trade policies on behalf of both the exporters and importers of Australia (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2016).They include a Trade Policy Committee, and a Trade Policy Advisory Committee with whom ECA works collaboratively. For the Government, the ECA publishes a Trade Policy Recommendations annually. Tveters et al (2016) opined the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization maintaining and regulating the trad e related rules across the globe. The valuation rules concerning the imported seafood products follow the Valuation Agreement system of the WTO (Wto.org, 2016).The Customs value considers the Australian currency. In any case, the sum of due is not in Australian dollars, they consider the rate of the day when the goods are exported to Australia. The Commonwealth of Australia Gazette has underlined this rule. This customer value of products includes labor and package charges apart from the production cost. Whatever the importer have to pay for the goods is considered the transaction value of the product. This transactions value can be utilized in cases such as the buyers and sellers are correlated, they are not correlated, the association between them does not influence the price of the product (Agriculture.gov.au, 2016). Again, there can be deductions and additions in the transaction value for the purpose of royalties and commissions. Whenever, the transaction value is not applicable , the customs value is determined according to the following methods: It considers the price of the identical goods that are sold for the purpose of export to Australia. It considers the price of the same goods that are sold for the purpose of export to Australia. It considers the price of the imported, identical or same goods used during the sale in Australia. (Agriculture.gov.au, 2016) Sumner and McLeod (2015) discussed that the insurance and freight costs are excluded from the Customs value cost when these are transported to Australia from the place of export. Still, if the purchaser provides any inland freight or insurance cost before leaving the place of export, that amount is included within the Customs value of the imported foods. In 1947, twenty-three countries including the United States signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and by 1986, the membership increased to 123 countries. The primary objective is to encourage open economies, lower tariff and free trade (Fda.gov, 2016). As a result of it, the U.S economy has signed Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with multiple countries (Fda.gov, 2016). They have focused on developing Trans-Pacific partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) to promote domestic and foreign liberalization of trade. However, U.S places huge tariff on some products including the canned tuna. The amount is 35% for imported canned tuna. (Fda.gov, 2016) Conclusion Through this essay, it has been discussed that Australia and the United Sates follow the strict guidelines for the import of the seafood products. A report came out in 2014 stated that about 55% of the total seafood consumption was restricted to mainly three types of seafood. These are- salmon, canned tuna, and shrimp. This is a consistent fact found in the U.S food history over the last two decades. The 84% of imported seafood here is mainly frozen and fresh products. The 12% of all the imported seafood products include the canned seafood. However, in 2013, reports came out regarding problems found in the Shrimps that Thailand exported to the United States. Thailand supply huge amount of shrimp to the U.S and the 2013 report revealed that the shrimps were diagnosed with the Early Mortality Syndrome. Such was the case that the U.S had to withdraw from shrimp importation that year. This not only amounted to huge loss but also sent a warning notice to the U.S concerning the health issu es. In 2014, another study revealed that seafood import worth $2 billion in the U.S might be through pirate fishing across the world. Health safety has been a major issue in Australia. Therefore, the AQIS has come forward to monitor the issues. However, the leading supplier of fish to Australia is New Zealand and this country operates under the FSANZ. Reference Agriculture.gov.au. (2016). Australia's seafood trade. [online] Available at: https://www.agriculture.gov.au/fisheries/aus-seafood-trade [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. Americanseafoodimports.com. (2016). American Seafood Imports. [online] Available at: https://www.americanseafoodimports.com/ [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. Bellmann, C., Tipping, A. and Sumaila, U.R., 2016. Global trade in fish and fishery products: An overview. Marine Policy, 69, pp.181-188. Cbp.gov. (2016). Basic Importing and Exporting | U.S. Customs and Border Protection. [online] Available at: https://www.cbp.gov/trade/basic-import-export [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. Border.gov.au. (2016). Importing and buying goods from overseas. [online] Available at: https://www.border.gov.au/Busi/Impo [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. Cooper, W.H., 2014. Free trade agreements: Impact on US trade and implications for US trade policy. Current Politics and Economics of the United States, Canada and Mexico, 16(3), p.425. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2016). Free Trade Agreements. [online] Available at: https://dfat.gov.au/trade/agreements/pages/trade-agreements.aspx [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. Fda.gov. (2016). Seafood Imports Exports. [online] Available at: https://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/ImportsExports/ucm2006767.htm [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. Gephart, J.A. and Pace, M.L., 2015. Structure and evolution of the global seafood trade network. Environmental Research Letters, 10(12), p.125014. Green, D., 2013. The US Imported Seafood Safety Program. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 22(6), pp.541-542. Guy, J.A., McIlgorm, A. and Waterman, P., 2014. Aquaculture in Regional Australia: Responding to trade externalities. A Northern NSW case study. Journal of Economic Social Policy, 16(1), p.115. Matsushita, M., Schoenbaum, T.J., Mavroidis, P.C. and Hahn, M., 2015. The World Trade Organization: law, practice, and policy. Oxford University Press. Noaa.gov. (2016). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. [online] Available at: https://www.noaa.gov/ [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016]. (Noaa.gov, 2016) Pramod, G., Nakamura, K., Pitcher, T.J. and Delagran, L., 2014. Estimates of illegal and unreported fish in seafood imports to the USA. Marine Policy, 48, pp.102-113. Sumner, J. and McLeod, C., 2015. Seafood Consumption in Australia: Risks and Benefits. Tveters, S., Asche, F., Bellemare, M.F., Smith, M.D., Guttormsen, A.G., Lem, A., Lien, K. and Vannuccini, S., 2012. Fish is food-the FAOs fish price index. PLoS One, 7(5), p.e36731. Watson, R.A., Green, B.S., Tracey, S.R., Farmery, A. and Pitcher, T.J., 2015. Provenance of global seafood. Fish and Fisheries. Wto.org. (2016). World Trade Organization - Home page. [online] Available at: https://www.wto.org/ [Accessed 12 Sep. 2016].
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Influence of American Imperialism on Our Economy and American Society since the End of the 19th Century
Introduction In the 18th and 19th century, European countries especially the British and the French were scrambling and partitioning the Asia and Africa continents in order to access cheap source of labor and raw materials. This was accomplished by use of military power and also by establishing investments there.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Influence of American Imperialism on Our Economy and American Society since the End of the 19th Century specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The United States of America was not involved in the scramble, the American imperialism only started later in 1898 during the Spanish American war where the United States of America saw the opportunity to gain colonies by conquering them from Spain in the Spanish-American war. At that time, many powers thought that they could be super powers only by gaining colonies. However, later, countries (USA included) discovered that colonies we re not the only way for a country to gain power. While the United States of American did not use policy of acquiring extra territories, the country has been using its might to control political and economic decisions almost everywhere in the world through the spread of capitalism (Weber, 1978). To confirm its might, in the recent past, America has engaged in the gulf war, the NATO forces attacks on Yugoslavia, the invasion of Iraq and the continuous attacks on the Taliban as it tries to spread its imperialistic policies. Several years later especially after the Iraq attacks where the US forces were aiming at removing Saddam Hussein from power, the American soldiers are still there and the casualties from these wars have been increasing. As a result, many people have started experiencing the negative effects of American imperialism especially the American themselves since the unemployment levels has been rising and the country is still recovering from the 2007-2008 financial crisis w hich led to many US companies being bailed out or collapsing with many arguing that the army in foreign lands need to be recalled (Karl, 2005). Imperialism Theories There exist several theories that either support or criticize imperialism. According to the supporters of the Marxist theory, the trends towards expansion are not necessarily through conquering and alienation of foreign lands as most people especially political scientists like to define it but imperialism rather explains the changes which have been occurring in the political economic and also social activities as they try to advance their capitalist notions everywhere. These sentiments support the US spread of imperialism where it has been using policies and laws which countries that need to be assisted by the country have to follow. A country which needs aid from the United States of America but does not follow the laid policies is never assisted by the US.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we c an help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In another theory by Kautsky, a capitalist country such as the United States of America cannot sell all the products within their country and thus they have to look for other countries where they can sell their products especially in the less developed economies. Kautsky observed this as the reason behind colonial expansions and spreading of imperialistic policies. He claims this was the reason for colonial expansions and spreading of their imperialistic policies. In the case of United States, rather than expanding colonies they use they imperialistic policies to access what ever they need. For example, a country cannot expect America to assist it if it has trade barriers against it even if the intention is to protect home industries. Conservative theories supports imperialism by indicating that imperialism exists in order to preserve the social orders among the developed economies. The theory further maintains that it is usually necessary for a country to secure trade and also maintain employment levels. The United States of America has achieved this by introducing legislations which protects internal industries from effects of trade liberalization. Finally, in political theory, imperialism helps a country by decreasing the strategic and political vulnerability of a country and the United States of America has achieved by ensuring there is manifestation of power thereby maintaining its status quo. Influence of American imperialism on your economy Social and political self determination from other countries has been challenging the American hegemony in different parts of the world. Other than the challenges above, as the United States of America increase its military supremacy and increase its capability of the army, the country has been accruing large debts especially due to the huge budgets which are allocated for its enormous military expenses. In return, this has increased America dependenc e on foreign creditors especially from the oil producing countries. As a result, the disparity or the differences between the American army and its own weak economy has just been increasing (Knauft, 2007). American imperialism has also affected the economy negatively. For example, the attacks on Iraq an oil producing country led to oil world volumes to decline and as a result the price of oil went up affecting the economy negatively since the high prices reduced the market basket for people all over the world (Americans included).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Influence of American Imperialism on Our Economy and American Society since the End of the 19th Century specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Positive impact of the US imperialistic policies has been in the increased trade. The US control land over seas where external production takes place, through this, it is able to engage more in international trade e xporting more than it is importing thereby being able to earn more through the foreign direct investment as a result improving the economy as a whole (Cunningham, 2010). American society since the end of the 19th century Since the end of 19th century, American imperialism has led to most Americans living in fear of terrorist attacks. The critics of American imperialistic policies in the Arab world especially the Muslim extremists feel that Americans have been interfering with their governments when their soldiers inhabit their land. As a result, there has been the emergence of terrorist groups targeting both the Americans and their interests in the world. As the US imperialistic policies continue, most people have lost their lives especially most of the US soldiers who went to fight in Iraq. With loss of lives, families have been left widowed and as a result this continues to increase the emotional problems which the Americans go on with suffering. After September 11 attacks, Americ a has seen the introduction of new regional command for defense which maintains that all the foreign acquisitions of the federal buildings to undergo security reviews in ascertaining their safety. As the United States of America tries to protect her interests, traffic along international borders has become difficult and the exchange of students and scientific visitors has been hampered and where in the past information was viewed as the cutting edge for profitability and democratization process with the state secrets reaching historic high levels as a result it remains to be observed whether the imperatives of restrictiveness and openness will be modified and remade in a way that will allow the accumulation of capital and other resources (Steinmetz, 2005): No one is no longer safe in what used to be the Promised Land. The impact of imperialism on people in foreign countries as well as in the US Changes have been witnessed in the political economic and also social activities as count ries try to advance their capitalist notions everywhere. Nations that needs aid from the United States of America but do not follow the laid policies are never assisted by the US. For example, the Vietnam leader Ho Chi Minh requested US president Truman for humanitarian assistance after floods swept harvests in his country but was denied help. Vietnam was viewed as communist and US wanted to control the country due to availability of resources like iron ore, rice and oil (Zinn, 2010). Thus the people of Vietnam were left to starve.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Perkins (2007), argues that US government uses hit men and jackals to control foreign governments and their action determines who gains economically or military power. He cites nations like Egypt that became friendly to US and has since been receiving development aid. The United States of America (capitalist country) cannot sell all the merchandises within their country and thus they have to look for other nations where they can sell their products especially in the less developed economies. Rather than mounting colonies the US employ imperialistic policies to access whatever they need. Those countries facing trade barriers are never assisted by the US even if their main aim is shielding home industries. The US has been introducing legislations that insulate internal ventures from the consequences of trade liberalization. Imperialism has also been assisting nations by curtailing the strategic and political susceptibility of a country; the United States of America has attained this b y making sure there is manifestation of power thus maintaining its status quo. Conclusion The American imperialism has faced many challenges especially in the last century where many people have been against the advancement of its imperialistic polices. These imperialistic policies have affected the economy both positively and negatively. Among the positive effects has been the improved economy of the country through Foreign Direct Investments gained from the excess exports while on the other side, the negative impacts have included the rise in unemployment as most of the budget concentrates on military. Socially which might affect their economic performance; Americans live in fear of terrorist attacks from people who are against their country’s policies. Reference List Cunningham, D. (2010). Modern Imperialism and its Impact. Web. Karl, B. (2005). The US, Iraq and the Future of Empire. Historical Materialism. Vol.13. Iss.3, pp163-192. Knauft, B.M. (2007). Provinicializing Am erica: Imperialism, Capitalism and Counter Hegemony In The 21st Century. Current Anthropology Volume 48, Number 6, pp 781-805. Perkins, J. (2007). The secret history of the American empire: economic hit men, jackals, and the truth about global corruption. New York, Penguin. Steinmetz, G. (2005). Return to Empire: The New U.S. Imperialism in Comparative Historical Perspective. Web. Weber, M. (1978). Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology, Volume 2. California: University of California Press. Reprint. Zinn, H. (2010). A People’s History of the United States. New York: HarperCollins. This essay on The Influence of American Imperialism on Our Economy and American Society since the End of the 19th Century was written and submitted by user Trace Roach to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
A Look into the 5 Most Popular Learning Management System for Educators Essays
A Look into the 5 Most Popular Learning Management System for Educators Essays A Look into the 5 Most Popular Learning Management System for Educators Essay A Look into the 5 Most Popular Learning Management System for Educators Essay Essay Topic: Popular Learning management systems are tools that integrate different aspects of learning process into a centralized system. This allows the teachers to track and monitor progress of students’ e-learning courses or training programs. A learning management system can help teachers record student’s performance, track record of student’s progress, report to parents, oversee administration or share content with the students. The system also allows the teachers to prepare a lesson plan and progress reports to the parents. Furthermore, the educators can share knowledge, conduct video conference or even post the whole lessons for the students. Today, there are various businesses offering LMS tools to serve the educators. These companies have products with little variation in their design, function or price but the core function remains the same i.e. providing a centralized management system to the educators. However, there are some popular LMS products that are major stakeholders of the e-learning industry. Based on recent surveys, I will discuss some of the most efficient and reliable products of LMS companies that have the highest share in this industry. 1. Blackboard Blackboard is a leading learning management system among colleges and offers the maximum features for e-learning. It provides a virtual learning environment that can be accessed by the teachers to post comments, receive educational material from students or share information. It has chat forums for teachers or students to interact on any matters and has an integrated mailing system to communicate messages or follow up on issues. Furthermore, it has an online planner for students and teachers to schedule deadlines and agenda. Students can also use course content tool to share information through blogs and videos. Other features include learning modules, media library and grade book. Having over 8.5 million users and 950+ clients all over the world, it tops in the league of leading learning management system currently available. 2. TeacherEase TeacherEase is yet another popular learning management tools used by elementary and high schools. It offers tools for planning lessons and monitoring students’ performance that includes their grades, attendance and behavior. It has centralized database management system that provides access to parents to get their kids progress and teacher’s feedback. A product of Common Goals Systems Inc, TeacherEase was launched in 2001 and has been the most sought-after LMS tool since then. With over 1000 schools and over 300,000 users currently using the system, it has become a major stakeholder in the e-learning industry. 3. Moodle Moodle is another widely-used e-learning platform among educators and students. It offers features like, assignment submission, online chat and discussion forums, online calendar and bulletin boards. Furthermore, it features live video conferencing, mailing system and links to reference resources. With more than 70,000 clients and over 6 million users around the world, it is among the most trusted learning system for the educators. 4. Desire2Learn Desire2Learn is one more popular source of learning management system. It offers the most effective tool for e-learning solutions. It has the fastest growing customer retention rate with more than 700 customers in over 20 countries. This learning management system features a centralized database system that teachers can access to monitor student’s academic growth through their learning pattern. It has similar features to that of other learning management systems with the exception that it can be accessed through Android operating system. Founded in 1999, the company has staff in Canada, Australia, UK and US with headquarters in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. 5. Skillsoft Skillsoft is yet another leading e-learning software for the educators (small to medium sized organizations). Skillsoft provides e-learning experience through various methods that include content sharing, research references, resources management, learning tools and administration system. The company has a strong online presence in the LMS industry with over 700,000 users and more than 2000 customers around the globe.
Friday, November 22, 2019
St. Johns, Capital of Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John's, Capital of Newfoundland and Labrador St. Johns, the capital city of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, is Canadas oldest city. The first visitors from Europe arrived at the start of the 1500s and it grew as a prominent location for fisheries for the French, Spanish, Basques, Portuguese and English. Britain became the dominant European power in St. Johns by the end of the 1500s, and the first permanent British settlers put down roots in the 1600s, around the same time that the first English settlements occurred in what is now Massachusetts in the U.S. Near the harbor is Water Street, which St. Johns claims is the oldest street in North America. The city shows its Old World charm in winding, hilly streets lined with colorful buildings and row houses. St. Johns sits on a deepwater harbor connected by the Narrows, a long inlet, to the Atlantic Ocean. Seat of Government In 1832, St. Johns became the seat of government of Newfoundland, an English colony at the time, when Newfoundland was granted a colonial legislature by Britain. St. Johns became the capital city of the province of Newfoundland when Newfoundland joined Canadian Confederation in 1949. St. John covers 446.06 square kilometers or 172.22 square miles. Its population as of the 2011 Canadian census was 196,966, making it Canadas 20th largest city and the second largest in Atlantic Canada; Halifax, Nova Scotia is the largest.  The population of Newfoundland and Labrador was 528,448 as of 2016. The local economy, depressed by the collapse of the cod fishery in the early 1990s, has been brought back to prosperity with petrodollars from off-shore oil projects. St. Johns Climate Despite the fact that St. Johns is in Canada, a relatively cold country, the city has a moderate climate. Winters are relatively mild and the summers cool. However, Environment Canada rates St. Johns more extreme in other aspects of its weather: Its the foggiest and windiest Canadian city, and it has the greatest number of days of freezing rain per year. Winter temperatures in St. Johns average around -1 degree Celsius, or 30 degrees Fahrenheit, while summer days have an average temperature around 20 degrees Celsius, or 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Attractions This easternmost city in North America  situated on the east side of the Avalon Peninsula in southeast Newfoundland is home to several interesting attractions. Of special note is Signal Hill, the site of the first transatlantic wireless communication in 1901 at Cabot Tower, which is named for John Cabot, who discovered Newfoundland. The Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden in St. Johns is a designated All-American Selections Garden, with beds of award-winning plants bred in the U.S. The garden offers visitors beautiful viewing, with more than 2,500 plant varieties. It has a superb collection of rhododendrons, with 250 types, and nearly 100 hosta cultivars. Its alpine collection displays plants from mountain ranges around the world. Cape Spear Lighthouse is where the sun first comes up in North America- it sits on a cliff jutting out into the Atlantic on the easternmost point on the continent. It was built in 1836 and is the oldest lighthouse in existence in Newfoundland. Go there at dawn so you can say you saw the sun before anyone else in North America, a true bucket list item.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Fundamental concepts and techniques in accounting and finance Essay
Fundamental concepts and techniques in accounting and finance - Essay Example Fundamental concepts and techniques in accounting and finance The field of financial management has experienced gradual but significant change during the twentieth century. During the first two decades of the century, financial managers were concerned mostly with the legal issues surrounding the issuance of stocks and bonds. This focus of attention reflected the primitive nature of the capital markets in the early 1900s, the wave of mergers and consolidations occurring at that time, and the lack of what now is considered routine full disclosure of accounting and financial information about companies offering securities to the public. With the Depression of the 1930s, the main focus of financial management shifted to the defensive aspects of business survival. As we enter the twenty-first century, the most significant trend to impact successful corporate financial management will be the continuing globalization of business in general and financial management in particular. There is no major U.S. or foreign corporations that do business solely within the confines of their own country. The need to deal with multiple currencies, worldwide money and capital markets where investment capital moves across borders at an increasing pace facing fewer and fewer barriers, a wide variety of accounting systems and tax laws, and a multitude of political risk environments is now a normal part of the responsibilities of a corporate financial manager. This globalization of business does not change the fundamental theories of corporate financial management, but it does have a substantial impact on corporate financial practice and domestic financial markets. ... t change the fundamental theories of corporate financial management, but it does have a substantial impact on corporate financial practice and domestic financial markets. The only thing certain about the future is that finance and industry will continue to change, offering new challenges and opportunities to financial managers. The importance of competent financial management to the success and even survival of the modern business organization cannot be overemphasized. It is no accident that presidents and board chairpersons of large, successful corporations increasingly rise to their positions by coming up the "finance side of the house" (Kaplan, 1989). In smaller business, experience has shown that the early survival of a new business and prosperity in its developing stages is strongly dependent on effective financial planning and control. The most common reason cited for the high failure rate experienced by new ventures is lack of financial expertise. Similarly, financial administration is receiving increased attention by governmental units at all levels. Financial management in all types of nonprofit corporations and organizations is also benefiti ng from increased attention. Competent financial planning and management are critical components of success in any organization that brings people together to achieve a common goal. The impact of inflation and high interest rates has focused increased attention on the financial implications of nearly all business decisions. Knowledge of financial management principles and techniques has become even more important during our current era of economic uncertainty. Functional specialists in such diverse areas as marketing, production, and human resources management have environment in which the firm operates. A
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Marriage versus living together Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Marriage versus living together - Essay Example 14). There are those who argue that recent research concerning various aspects of interpersonal relations in romantic couples is based on married couples. Individuals who merely cohabitate are not likely to be as effected by the â€Å"increasing emphasis on the role of cognitive factors in marital functioning†(Baucom et al, p. 209) References Barich, Bielby, Rachel R., Denise D. "Rethinking Marriage: Change and Stability in Expectations 1967-1994." Journal of Family Issues 17.2 (1996): 139-169. Web. 25 May 2011. . Baucom, Epstein, Daiuto, Carels, Rankin, Burnett, Donald H., Norman, Anthony D., Robert A., Lynn A., Charles K. "Cognitions in Marriage: The Relationship Between Standards and Attributions."Journal of Family Psychology. 10.2 (1996): 209-222. Print. Glick, Paul. "Marriage, Divorce, and Living Arragements." Journal of Family Issues 5.1 (1984): 7-26. Web. 23 May 2011. .
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Mcdonalds Great Britain - the Turnaround Essay Example for Free
Mcdonalds Great Britain the Turnaround Essay Summary of the Problem McDonalds spacious Britain experienced a great deal of hardships and changes. McDonalds US sales have steadily change magnitude but Great Britain has not shown any significant increase. The solid ground for the sluggish sales is because of new chains such as Yo! sushi and Nandos Chicken Restaurants which tickled the Great Britains taste. An issue in the fast food industry is the mad cow sc are. at that place are some comments about McDonalds Great Britain standardised a guy just go to McDonalds for a last resort, the texture, the taste and the feel of the burger was different than before. Also, passel are becoming more health conscious. There was also a lawsuit with McDonalds and two green peace activists. For teenagers, McDonalds appeal to their taste thats why McDonalds UK profit 118 Million (in Euro). Lastly, the company monitors news articles and television references. In Great Britain, they have been rated either as negative or deaf(p). They have taken these comments and certain steps to reverse the trend. They developed new menus composed of salads, grilled chicken and fruits. Their burgers and original menus were modify to suit their audiences taste. They also developed new recipes. They informed people about their foods dietary information. They also got Destinys fry to advertise for the new salad line and they brewed coffee in receipt to the rising coffee house trend. CEO of McDonalds UK has a vision for them. They have to give more value to the customer in order to upgrade the McDonalds experience. They should get fundament to the basics of service and cleanliness. They will re-invent their food with various changes in their ingredients to suit the taste of the customers. The CEO wants McDonalds to become eat restaurant because they have opportunities there.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Kahlil Gibran Essay -- essays research papers
Kahlil Gibran Information on the Author Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931), a poet, philosopher, and an artist was born in Lebanon, a land which has produced many prophets. The millions of Arabic speaking people, familiar with his writing consider him a genius of his age. However, his fame and influence was not limited to the Near East only, but far beyond these borders. His poetry has been translated into more than twenty languages. His drawings and paintings have been exhibited in the great capitals of the world and compared by Auguste Rodin to the work of William Blake. In the United States, which he made his home for the last twenty years of his life., he began to write in English. The Prophet and his other books of poetry, illustrated with his mystical drawings are known and loved by innumerable Americans who find them an expression of the deepest impulses of manà ¿s heart and mind. Introduction This book is one of Kahlil Gibrans masterpieces and has become a beloved classic of this era. This book contains poetry about a prophet-called Al- Mustafa- who tells people about different subjects which are all related to subjects in everyday life; for example love, hate etc.. The book also contains a series of illustrations created by the author himself. The book is based slightly on fiction, but the topics discussed in the poetry are all very realistic. If a person read the poetry today it would still be relative to the things happening around us. The poetry is in composition form,...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Landscape Procurement Plan
Landscape Project Procurement Plan 1. Overview: Following a major renovation and addition to the house, a redesign of the front yard is required. This redesign will encompass the front yard that is approximately 65 ft wide by 70 ft deep. The area is bounded on the south side by the house and a wooden fence, on the west side by a continuation of the wooden fence for approximately 40 feet. The north side is to the property line, and the east side is bound by the driveway. There is a sidewalk that comes away from the house to about 25 feet and turns to the driveway. The area enclosed by the driveway and sidewalk is approximately 350 ft2.The major components of this redesign consist of grading and removing excess soil remaining from remodel, install electric wiring for exterior lighting, install hardscape, landscape design and installation of the plants and trees. What is not included in the scope of this project is the seeding of the lawn area, lawn maintenance, removal of existing plan ts and painting/staining of existing fence. 2. Make or Buy Analysis: While my husband and I have the ability to perform the majority of the tasks associated with the landscape redesign, the constraints of time and manpower limit the amount of work that we will perform.Below is the Make or Buy Analysis. Task| Make/Buy| Reason| Excavate/Grade yard| Buy| Limited experience on a Bobcat. More cost effective to hire the work out. Landscape companies routinely perform this type of work| Install electric wiring| Make| Husband is an electrician and is qualified to perform the work| Landscape design| Buy| Not skilled in landscape design| Installation of plants| Make & buy| This task will be a combination. The larger trees and plants will be installed by the nursery. We will install the smaller plants. Install hardscape| Make| These items will be purchased and installed following the plants as time and budget allow. | 3. Procurement needs: a. Excavation/grading b. Electrical materials c. Lands cape design d. Installation of plants e. Installation of hardscape 4. Statement of work: Task| Statement of Work| Excavation /grading| Soil remains from the excavation of the foundation and new basement sections of the addition. The majority of the soil will be removed to another location on the property to fill in low spots.This soil will be spread in a manner that will result in a reasonably level location relative to the surrounding area. Following removal of the excess soil, the front yard will be re-contoured according to the specifications outlined in the landscape design. | Electrical| The electric will consist of exterior grade wiring/conduit running from the main electric panel located in the northeast corner of the basement. The exterior lighting will be on its own circuit with dedicated breakers. The conduit will be placed below grade and extend beyond the sidewalk, to the edge of the driveway.An exterior rated junction box will be installed with additional connections to allow expansion of the exterior lighting as needed in the future. An exterior light pole and fixture will be installed that includes, at a minimum, one exterior outlet. Additional conduit will be placed below grade to the northwest corner of the house. An LB will be installed to bring the electric wiring aboveground to provide power to two exterior outlets for general use. | Landscape design| Evaluation of soil type and condition, elevation and directionality of front yard to be completed.Based on this evaluation, any modification or supplementation of the soil will be performed as needed. A selection of trees, shrubs, and perennial plants will be chosen, collectively identified as â€Å"plants†throughout the remainder of the plan. The design of the landscape shall include the overview diagram, the planting schematic and all care instructions for selected plants. A minimum of three alternate plants will be provided in addition to the plant identified in the design. The majo rity of the plants should be considered native to the Midwest. Trees and tall shrubs must be located away from overhead power and phone lines.The design must include what is collectively known as 3 season plants, which have blooms, seed heads, etc. visible during spring, summer and fall. All ornamental grasses must be less than 4 foot tall. A minimum of 2 flowering trees must be included in the design. One large tree, defined as 10 – 12 foot tall, with trunk diameter of at least 6 inches, must be included as well. The design will include evergreen as well as deciduous plants and shrubs. The overall design should be identified as low maintenance, consisting of sufficient plantings to minimize weeds, identification of various covers, such as hardwood mulch and decorative rock/gravel. Installation of plants| The plants will be installed according to the agreed upon design and plant selection. If, for any reason, a plant is not available, a substitute will be chosen and installed in its place. Plants will be installed with appropriate care to minimize any shock or trauma sustained by the plants. Following installation, return visits to evaluate the health of the plants will occur at agreed upon intervals as appropriate. Should any plant not be thriving, or performing as expected, the plant may be replaced with a substitute identified in the design plan. Installation of hardscape| Hardscape is generally defined as permanent fixtures, such as statuary, fountains, etc. in a garden or landscape setting. All locations will be prepared according to the design and the hardscape features identified in the landscape design will be purchased OTS or built as time and budget allow. | 5. Procurement Documentation: The documentation required to obtain services for each activity is listed below. Task| Documentation Type| Appendix| Excavation/grading| Request for Quote| A| Electrical materials| Request for Quote| B| Landscape design| Request for Proposal| C|Installation of plants| Request for Proposal| D| Installation of hardscape| Request for Quote| E| 6. Contract Types: The type of contract that will be offered with each task. Task| Contract Type| Excavation/grading| Firm Fixed Price| Electrical materials| Purchase Order| Landscape design| Firm Fixed Price| Installation of plants| Time and Material| Installation of hardscape| Purchase Order| 7. Evaluation criteria and selection process f. Available alternatives per activity g. Evaluation criteria h. Recommendation Pre-Qualified Sellers per Activity Task| Supplier| Location| Phone number|Excavation/grading| Waldbart & Sons LandscapingEarthtones LandscapingThe Garden Kingdom| Bunker Hill, IlLebanon, IlGlen Carbon, Il| | Electrical materials| Frost ElectricHome DepotLowes| Collinsville, IlEdwardsville, ILEdwardsville, IL| | Landscape design| Waldbart & Sons LandscapingEarthtones LandscapingThe Garden Kingdom| Bunker Hill, IlLebanon, IlGlen Carbon, Il| | Installation of plants| Waldbart & Sons Landscap ingEarthtones LandscapingThe Garden Kingdom| Bunker Hill, IlLebanon, IlGlen Carbon, Il| | Installation of hardscape| Waldbart & Sons LandscapingEarthtones LandscapingThe Garden Kingdom| Bunker Hill, IlLebanon, IlGlen Carbon, Il| | Evaluation Criteria & Selection Process Task| Evaluation Criteria| Weight|Excavation/grading| CostQualityReferences| 50%25%25%| Electrical materials| CostService| 50%50%| Landscape design| CostQualityReferences| 40%30%30%| Installation of plants| CostQualityReferences| 40%30%30%| Installation of hardscape| CostQualityReferences| 50%30%20%| Criteria Analysis Excavation/Grading| | | Waldbart & Sons| Earthtones| Garden Kingdom| Criteria| Weight (%)| Score| Weighted Score| Score| Weighted Score| Score| Weighted Score| Cost| 50| 75| 37. 5| 88| 44| 92| 46| Quality| 25| 92| 23| 97| 24. 25| 89| 22. 25| References| 25| 97| 24. 25| 95| 23. 75| 83| 20. 75| Total| 100| | 84. 75| | 92| | 89| Electrical Materials| | | Frost Electric| Home Depot| Lowes|Criteria| Weight ( %)| Score| Weighted Score| Score| Weighted Score| Score| Weighted Score| Cost| 50| 85| 42. 5| 93| 46. 5| 93| 46. 5| Service| 50| 98| 49| 80| 40| 98| 49| Total| 100| | 91. 5| | 86. 5| | 95. 5| Landscape Design| | | Waldbart & Sons| Earthtones| Garden Kingdom| Criteria| Weight (%)| Score| Weighted Score| Score| Weighted Score| Score| Weighted Score| Cost| 40| 86| 34| 91| 36. 4| 88| 35. 2| Quality| 30| 92| 27. 6| 89| 26. 7| 97| 29. 1| References| 30| 96| 28. 8| 89| 26. 7| 98| 29. 4| Total| 100| | 90. 4| | 89. 8| | 93. 7| Installation of Plants| | | Waldbart & Sons| Earthtones| Garden Kingdom| Criteria| Weight (%)| Score| Weighted Score| Score| Weighted Score| Score| Weighted Score| Cost| 40| 90| 36| 96| 38. 4| 85| 34|Quality| 30| 93| 27. 9| 90| 27| 92| 27. 6| References| 30| 95| 28. 5| 88| 26. 4| 93| 27. 9| Total| 100| | 92. 4| | 91. 8| | 89. 5| Installation of Hardscape| | | Waldbart & Sons| Earthtones| Garden Kingdom| Criteria| Weight (%)| Score| Weighted Score| Score| Weighted Score | Score| Weighted Score| Cost| 50| 75| 37. 5| 80| 40| 85| 42. 5| Quality| 30| 75| 22. 5| 85| 25. 5| 90| 27| References| 20| 88| 17. 6| 70| 14| 92| 18. 4| Total| 100| | 77. 6| | 79. 5| | 87. 9| Final Selection Each of the identified vendors have the ability to perform all required tasks outlined in the statement of work and generally perform these tasks as a single contracted job.The final selection of vendor is based on the highest average weighted score. My husband will perform the electrical work, purchasing materials from the selected vendor below. Task| Company| Excavation/grading| The Garden Kingdom| Electrical materials| Lowe’s| Landscape design| The Garden Kingdom| Installation of plants| The Garden Kingdom| Installation of hardscape| The Garden Kingdom| 8. Schedule Dates: At least 10 days lead time will be given to the initiation of the project to ensure electrical work will be completed. The lead times will also be dependent on weather conditions. If rain postpones w ork, the schedule will be adjusted accordingly. Task| Lead time| Start Date| End Date|Landscape design| 2 weeks| April 2, 2012| April 13, 2012| Electrical materials| 2 weeks| April 16, 2012| April 20, 2012| Excavation/grading| 2 weeks| April 23, 2012| May 4, 2012| Installation of plants| 2 week| May 14, 2012| May 25, 2012| Installation of hardscape| 3 weeks| May 7, 2012| May 14, 2012| 9. Contract Administration: We will act as general contractors for this project. We will be responsible for all phases of the project. We will also be responsible for having underground utility location performed in advance of any excavation. Since there will be one vendor performing the work, the contract administration is as follows: Activity| Constrains/Assumptions| Payment Schedule|Excavation/grading| * Underground utilities have been located and appropriately marked before work starts * There will be no delays due to weather * Within budget| Deposit plus invoice upon completion| Electrical materia ls| * There will be no delays due to weather * Availability of materials * Within budget| Invoice at purchase, payable 30 days net| Landscape design| * There will be no delays due to weather * Availability of selected plants * Within budget| Deposit plus invoice upon completion| Installation of plants| * There will be no delays due to weather * Within budget| Deposit plus invoice upon completion| Installation of hardscape| * There will be no delays due to weather * Within budget| Invoice upon completion| 10. Procurement Metrics: The success of each activity will be evaluated by the below criteria: Activity| Metric| Specific Metric|Excavation/grading| * Cost * Speed * Satisfaction| Actual vs planned costWork completed on scheduleIssues resolved satisfactorily | Electrical materials| * Cost * Speed| Actual vs planned costWork completed on schedule| Landscape design| * Cost * Aesthetic design * Satisfaction| Actual vs planned costDesign meets criteria in SOWI’m happy with the de sign| Installation of plants| * Cost * Speed * Quality| Actual vs planned costWork completed on scheduleMinimal plant death/replacement| Installation of hardscape| * Cost * Speed * Quality| Actual vs planned costWork completed on scheduleIssues resolved satisfactorily| Appendix A: Request for Quote: Excavation/Grading Request for Quote Landscape Installation May 2012Specifications: * Must be bonded and insured * The front yard area needs to be graded and leveled in preparation of landscaping * Grading will consist of leveling and smoothing according to landscape design plan * Features such as berms, dry creek beds will be created as defined in the landscape plan * Excess soil will be moved to another location on the property as fill and leveled * Underground utilities will be located and marked prior to work starting * Provide a minimum of 3 references Please respond no later than March 30, 2012 Contract will be awarded on April 13, 2012 Appendix B: Request for Quote: Electric Reque st for QuoteLandscape Installation May 2012 Specification: * Must be bonded and insured * The electric will consist of exterior grade wiring/conduit running from the main electric panel located in the northeast corner of the basement. * The exterior lighting will be on its own circuit with dedicated breakers. * The conduit will be placed below grade and extend beyond the sidewalk, to the edge of the driveway. * An exterior rated junction box will be installed with additional connections to allow expansion of the exterior lighting as needed in the future. * An exterior light pole and fixture will be installed that includes, at a minimum, one exterior GFCI outlet. Switches for exterior lighting will be installed in the front entryway * Additional conduit will be placed below grade to the northwest corner of the house. An LB will be installed to bring the electric wiring aboveground to provide power to two exterior GFCI outlets for general use. * Provide cost breakdown of materials to be used Please respond no later than March 30, 2012 Contract will be awarded on April 13, 2012 Appendix C: Request for Proposal: Landscape Design Plan Request for Proposal Landscape Design Plan May 2012 Specifications: * Must be bonded and insured * Evaluation of soil type and condition, elevation and directionality of front yard will be completed. * Based on this evaluation, any modification or supplementation of the soil will be performed as needed. A selection of trees, shrubs, and perennial plants will be chosen, collectively identified as â€Å"plants†throughout the remainder of the plan. * The design of the landscape shall include the overview diagram, the planting schematic and all care instructions for selected plants. * The design will also include any hardscape items such as fountains, trellis’, etc. * A minimum of three alternate plants will be provided in addition to the plant identified in the design. The majority of the plants should be considered native to the Midwest. * Trees and tall shrubs must be located away from overhead power and phone lines. * The design must include what is collectively known as 3 season plants, which have blooms, seed heads, etc. visible during spring, summer and fall. All ornamental grasses must be less than 4 foot tall. * A minimum of 2 flowering trees must be included in the design. * One large tree, defined as 10 – 12 foot tall, with trunk diameter of at least 6 inches, must be included as well. * The design will include evergreen as well as deciduous plants and shrubs. * The overall design should be identified as low maintenance, consisting of sufficient plantings to minimize weeds, identification of various covers, such as hardwood mulch and decorative rock/gravel. * The proposal shall have 2 prices; 1. ) Complete design and installation, and 2. ) just the overview diagram, the planting schematic and all care instructions for selected plantsPlease respond no later than March 30, 2012 Contrac t will be awarded on April 18, 2012 Appendix D: Request for Proposal: Landscape Installation Request for proposal Landscape Installation May 2012 Specification: * Must be bonded and insured * The plants will be installed according to the agreed upon design and plant selection. If, for any reason, a plant is not available, a substitute will be chosen and installed in its place. * Plants will be installed with appropriate care to minimize any shock or trauma sustained by the plants. * Following installation, return visits to evaluate the health of the plants will occur at agreed upon intervals as appropriate. Should any plant not be thriving, or performing as expected, the plant may be replaced with a substitute identified in the design plan. * Responsible for removal of all waste Please respond no later than March 30, 2012 Contract will be awarded on April 18, 2012 Appendix E: Request for Quote: Installation of Hardscape Request for Quote Hardscape Installation May 2012 Specification s: * Must be bonded and insured * All locations will be prepared according to the design and the hardscape features identified in the landscape design will be purchased OTS or built as time and budget allow. * Any permanent placements requiring electrical or plumbing connections should be identified and specified before completion of the electrical work found in the SOW.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Personal freedom Essay
The personal freedom notion has changed vastly over the years from the harm principle to the notion of basic rights. Cobley suggest that in this day and age, these principles will not allow us to have maximum freedom. On the other hand, suggest that only by giving up all our freedom to the government, then we can maximize our freedom. I am largely convinced by his reasons why total freedom should be given to the government as the democratic government has proven to be able to fully optimize the freedom of our society. From paragraph 5 in line 58-61, Cobley suggest ‘ ill-health ignorance†¦factors’ are the factors preventing equality and liberty. He believes that ‘fraternity’ will help to reconcile both factors and eventually allow liberty. This is because these factors allow the clever and the strong to gain unfair advantages. And only by caring for each other, these unfair advantages will be shared equally, and hence allow equal opportunities for all. B y allowing equal opportunities for all, this allows the people to have freedom to compete equally. I am largely not convinced by his view of freedom, as it is an ideal state and not practical. In order to get the general rich population to share their advantage to the disadvantage is improbable and far from practical. This is because men are generally selfish and to care for complete strangers is not common in society. This point can be further strengthening by numerous examples of the stronger and smarter – not caring- but exploiting the poor. For example, many years back in Singapore, it was revealed that the chief executive officer of NKF – a charity fund – misused the finds of the charity to fund his luxurious lifestyle. This goes to show that the rich in general are unlikely candidates to show their care and concern for the poor. I however feel this responsibility should be given to the government through means such as heavy taxes onto the rich. I feel that this is the only way to ensure freedom to have equal opportunities for both the poor and rich. Therefore I believe we should surrender our claims to freedom to the government so that they can help re-distribute this income and ensure freedom is maximized. Hence, I disagree with the author’s view that by getting the rich to show concern to the poor ensures freedom as this is not practical and merely ideal. In para graph 3 Cobley discussed that freedom should be surrendered to the government if the laws passed down are deemed as ‘acceptable’ and not to ‘override certain basic freedom’. For example, basic rights such as the right to live or worship. Cobley at the end of the passage however expresses his view that he is not in favor of it. I am too largely in agreement with his view because these basic rights are hard to define. Everyone have their own view of a ‘basic’ right and this often stems from religious beliefs. This would make it very hard for the government to decide on something common as there would bound to be people unsatisfied. For example, Singapore recently passed down a censorship law on websites with high viewership. Their rationale to it was that they feel these websites should be socially responsible to the public. Hence information should be censored. However others argue that these laws infringe the basic right to freedom of speech – therefore causing unhappiness to these people. Henceforth I feel that freedom should be fully surrendered to the government as to have ‘basic rights’ is impossible to define due to the various views of a basic right. Thus it is beneficial to me to give full autonomy of freedom to the government. In paragraph 6, Cobley feels that he should ‘surrender my so-called liberty†¦to its laws and restrictions. Cobley feels that all his freedom should be given to the government to control and restrict. He further adds on that ‘any division into†¦wrong.’ Thus, further strengthening his viewpoint that more should be done to give our ‘freedom’ to the government. I am largely in agreement with his view because I feel the democratically chosen state is best able to represent the people. This is because the government best represent the majority, and being the one ‘in-charge’ of the state they are also able to see the country in a macro perspective. Thus, making them capable of making decisions to ensure that both short-term and long-term the country benefits overall. In addition if we continue to erect barriers, we can see the society being more dis-united and having more of our freedom restricted. For example, we can see in Russia – where drinking is a problem – roads are becoming unsafe and the freedom of innocent passer-bys are compromised just so as to give the Russians ‘freedom to drink’. If more was done to curb drinking, this can result in not only the lives of these passer-bys to have more freedom but also the families of these drinkers. Not only would theses families have more disposable income – freedom to spend – but also potentially more freedom of safety from these drunkards. Thus, this clearly shows how we should give full freedom to the government so that we would have more freedom as the government is better able to assess the situation. Henceforth, it is only beneficial to me that total freedom is given to the government. In conclusion, I agree with the author that e should give all claims to individual freedom to the government.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
President James Buchanan and the Secession Crisis
President James Buchanan and the Secession Crisis The election of Abraham Lincoln in November 1860 triggered a crisis which had been simmering for at least a decade. Outraged by the election of a candidate who was known to be opposed to the spread of slavery into new states and territories, leaders of the southern states began to take action to split from the United States. In Washington, President James Buchanan, who had been miserable during his term in the White House and couldn’t wait to leave office, was thrown into a horrendous situation. In the 1800s, newly elected presidents were not sworn into office until March 4 of the following year. And that meant Buchanan had to spend four months presiding over a nation which was coming apart. The state of South Carolina, which had been asserting its right to secede from the Union for decades, back to the time of the Nullification Crisis, was a hotbed of secessionist sentiment. One of its senators, James Chesnut, resigned from the U.S. Senate on November 10, 1860, only four days after Lincoln’s election. His states other senator resigned the next day. Buchanans Message to Congress Did Nothing to Hold the Union Together As talk in the South about secession was quite serious, it was expected that the president would do something to reduce tensions. In that era, presidents did not visit Capitol Hill to deliver a State of the Union Address in January but instead provided the report required by the Constitution in written form in early December. President Buchanan wrote a message to Congress which was delivered on December 3, 1860. In his message, Buchanan said that he believed secession was illegal. Yet Buchanan also said he did not believe the federal government had any right to prevent states from seceding. So Buchanan’s message pleased nobody. Southerners were offended by Buchanan’s belief that secession was illegal. And Northerners were perplexed by the president’s belief that the federal government couldn’t act to prevent states from seceding. His Own Cabinet Reflected the National Crisis Buchanan’s message to Congress also angered members of his own cabinet. On December 8, 1860, Howell Cobb, the secretary of the treasury, a native of Georgia, told Buchanan he could no longer work for him. A week later, Buchanan’s Secretary of State, Lewis Cass, a native of Michigan, also resigned, but for a very different reason. Cass felt that Buchanan was not doing enough to prevent the secession of southern states. South Carolina Seceded on December 20 As the year drew to a close, the state of South Carolina held a convention at which the state’s leaders decided to secede from the Union. The official ordinance of secession was voted on and passed on December 20, 1860. A delegation of South Carolinians traveled to Washington to meet with Buchanan, who saw them at the White House on December 28, 1860. Buchanan told the South Carolina commissioners that he was considering them to be private citizens, not representatives of some new government. But, he was willing to listen to their various complaints, which tended to focus on the situation surrounding the federal garrison which had just moved from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. Senators Tried to Hold the Union Together With President Buchanan unable to prevent the nation from splitting, prominent senators, including Stephen Douglas of Illinois and William Seward of New York, attempted various strategies to placate the southern states. But action in the U.S. Senate seemed to offer little hope. Speeches by Douglas and Seward on the Senate floor in early January 1861 only seemed to make things worse. An attempt to prevent secession then came from an unlikely source, the state of Virginia. As many Virginians felt their state would suffer greatly from the outbreak of war, the states governor and other officials proposed a peace convention to be held in Washington. The Peace Convention Was Held in February 1861 On February 4, 1861, the Peace Convention began at the Willard Hotel in Washington. Delegates from 21 of the nations 33 states attended, and former president John Tyler, a native of Virginia, was elected its presiding officer. The Peace Convention held sessions until mid-February when it delivered a set of proposals to Congress. The compromises hammered out at the convention would have taken the form of new amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The proposals from the Peace Convention quickly died in Congress, and the gathering in Washington proved to be a pointless exercise. The Crittenden Compromise A final attempt to forge a compromise that would avoid outright war was proposed by a respected senator from Kentucky, John J. Crittenden. The Crittenden Compromise would have required significant changes to the United States Constitution. And it would have made slavery permanent, which meant legislators from the anti-slavery Republican Party would likely have never agreed to it. Despite the obvious obstacles, Crittenden introduced a bill in the Senate in December 1860. The proposed legislation had six articles, which Crittenden hoped to get through the Senate and the House of Representatives with two-thirds votes so they might become six new amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Given the splits in Congress and the ineffectiveness of President Buchanan, Crittendens bill did not have much chance of passage. Not dissuaded, Crittenden proposed bypassing Congress and seeking to change the Constitution with direct referendums in the states. President-Elect Lincoln, still at home in Illinois, let it be known that he did not approve of Crittendens plan. And Republicans on Capitol Hill were able to use stalling tactics to make sure the proposed Crittenden Compromise would languish and die in Congress. With Lincolns Inauguration, Buchanan Happily Left Office By the time Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated, on March 4, 1861, seven slave states had already passed ordinances of secession, thus declaring themselves no longer part of the Union. Following Lincolns inauguration, four more states would secede. As Lincoln rode to the Capitol in a carriage beside James Buchanan, the outgoing president reportedly said to him, If you are as happy entering the presidency as I am leaving it, then you are a very happy man. Within weeks of Lincoln taking office, the Confederates fired upon Fort Sumter, and the Civil War began.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
HOW TO QUOTE IN AN ESSAY You wonder how to use quotes in essay, search no more. We are eager to share with you how to quote in an essay. Quoting passages in books, magazines, etc, essays, research papers and other articles is determined by two major points. First is the appropriateness belonging to the passage you wish to quote which is highly important. The second is choose the main idea of your paragraph that will reflect the whole subject concept and to incorporate the quotation. Additionally , there are a minimum of two fundamental rules that you need to pursue remember when you are putting sentences directly from your source for instance a book to your writing composition. One, you must put the proper citation at the end of the direct quote. Two, you should always place quotation marks in the beginning and at the end of your quote to indicate out that the phrase within your paragraph is actually taken out from a different source. It is vital to make note of that your quotation for your direct quotes should stick to the citation format required by your teacher. It is also important that you should thoroughly select the quotes you want to incorporate into your essay or essay. You have to make sure that each direct quote is highly relevant to your paragraphs main idea or main subject. Otherwise, your quoted line will make your argument, discussions or research vulnerable and weak.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Leaders as Learners Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Leaders as Learners - Assignment Example Leading HR is also a very important area of learning and development that is to be inculcated into the leaders as a way of helping them know how to use people to achieve organizational growth and development. This is because the growth agenda is not expected to be carried out single handedly by the leader. The areas of learning and development identified above are most likely to change if the same talent management portfolio was being prepared or non-leaders. The reason for this assertion is that, unlike leaders, non-leaders do not bare the direct responsibility of facilitating growth. This is because such non-leaders do not have control over the resources of the organization, including the human resource. It is therefore important that whiles developing talent management portfolio for non-leaders, learning and development responsibility tasks that will be seen as over and above the control and jurisdiction of employees are eliminated (Martin & Schmidt, 2010). Once this is done, the hierarchies and power structure that exists within the organization can be held intact whiles promoting learning and development among all internal stakeholders of the organizations. As it has been explained above, learning and development among leaders must not be restricted to job-specific areas. Rather, the learning and development that takes place must be as holistic as possible. It can be expected that when learning and development is made to be job-specific, leaders and other people engaged in the learning will only be seeking to develop and emphasize on the areas they are best learned and trained in (Senge, 1997). For example a leader with background in marketing, when made to engage in job-related learning and development in marketing may neglect other functions within the organization such as production. Meanwhile, it takes the collective achievement of all
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Gigabit Token Ring Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Gigabit Token Ring - Research Paper Example It is possible to make use either of the first two token rings in the same equipment. The drawback to this functionality is that the introduction of a new device to such network brings problems to the entire ring (Carlo, 1998). The token ring was first initiated by IBM in the early 80s in their research facility located in Zurich. In 1985, IBM launched its fist token-ring product as a form of adapter that could be used in their original personal computers. In the following year, in collaboration with Texas Instruments, they jointly developed a chipset to help other companies to develop devices that are compatible with the token ring. The year 1989 saw IBM introduce an improved version of their earlier token ring model which had a speed of 4 Mbit/sec. The improved version had a speed of 16 Mbit/sec and in line with this development; the IEEE 802.5 standard was extended to cover it (Muller, 2003). In the year 1994, the leading suppliers of token ring created the Alliance for Strategic Token-ring Advancement and Leadership (ASTRAL) whose main mission was increase the speed of Token-Ring technology to counter the ever rising popularity of Ethernet technology. The members of this group included: ACE/North Hills, 3Com, Bytex, Bay Networks, Cabletron, Chipcom , Centillion, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, , Intel, Olicom ,Madge, Racore, Proteon, Texas Instruments, SMC, UB Networks., Xircom, and XPoint (Muller, 2003). In 1997, a revised version of 802.5 standards was developed which marked the introduction of Dedicated Token-Ring. It was a form of full duplex token ring that bypassed the usual protocol used by token ring in data transfer. A single station thus had the capability of sending and receiving data streams concurrently. This had the effect of doubling the transfer rate of any token ring such that a 4 Mbit/sec dedicated Token-ring station acquired an overall transfer rate of 8 Mbit/sec. They are mainly Type 1, type 6 and type 3. The first wiring done on token ring
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Success of State Reconstruction Varies according to the Scale of S Literature review
The Success of State Reconstruction Varies according to the Scale of State Collapse - Literature review Example Reconstruction of States following conflicts is usually conducted with the help of various countries and organizations in the spirit of peace, development, and brotherhood of nations, infusing financial and human resources into a target State. In most cases, donor countries provide assistance in the forms of technical expertise and establish cooperative development programmes for locales where the State has no capacity to provide for the needs and protect the right of its populace. Many developed countries like the United States of America, Japan, Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom, have their own foreign aid agencies and programmes providing technical and financial assistance to other countries rising from collapse, poverty or underdevelopment affecting its populace.  Most foreign development interventions normally follow the necessity for consent and cooperation of a recipient country. International development projects and programmes normally involve the infusion of technical advice and assistance from foreign international experts, and in some cases, these experts are tasked to manage key functions of governance within target countries. International development programmes and projects may range from the delivery of basic human services like healthcare services, agricultural and food development, to the restructuring and strengthening of judicial and legal systems of target/host countries. The first organizations to establish development assistance packages, through the study, expansion, and institutionalization of good governance as an accepted policy for development, are the World Bank (WB) and the United Nations (UN) through its various agencies and international programmes. The World Bank is best known for its implementation of economic governance programmes in the form of technical assistance and loan packages. The United Nations, on the other hand, focused on the delivery of basic human services and assistance as well as resolving conflict and legal issues within target or recipient countries. Food and agriculture improvement programs of the UN are the World Food Program (WFP) and programs by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), with healthcare development, like provision of water, sanitation, and general health, implemented by the World Health Organization and the UN International Children’s Educational Fund (UNICEF).
Sunday, October 27, 2019
E Waste Management Processes In Malaysia Environmental Sciences Essay
E Waste Management Processes In Malaysia Environmental Sciences Essay With rapid technological advancement, increasing demand of electrical and electronic as well as short lifespan of the products has lead to the increase in e-waste generation. Hence, E-waste generation has become a concern. E-waste management requires different approach compare to conventional management of traditional wastes. This is because of E-waste complex characteristic where its contain hazardous substances which pose risk to human health and environment. Understanding E-waste management and to determine the best approach is a difficult task due to lack of study in Malaysia and reliable data on management system. This paper aimed to assess the current practice of E-waste management in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. The data presented in this paper derived mostly from the secondary sources of various literatures and interview with main stakeholders in e-waste management were conducted in order to understand the current issue and problem in e-waste management. Managing E-waste in Malaysia is challenging due to its hazardous characteristic and the generation currently at an alarming rate where it is reported that E-waste will be expected to triple output in next five years. Therefore, the cooperation from all level of management from key stakeholders is needed in order to ensure the risk of E-waste can be control at the minimum level. Keywords: Electrical and electronic waste, E-waste, management Introduction In view of the vision 2020 aim for Malaysia, the countrys wish to become a fully develop nation in the year 2020 has meant that Malaysia is not only encourages economic and social growth, but also environmental issues are addressed (Pelle Getke, 2008). One of the major environmental problems in Malaysia is the production of new waste in the waste streams namely electrical and electronic waste. Electrical and electronic waste, also known as electronic waste or electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), or in short called e-waste is consist of electrical or electronic products that can be categorized into white goods or bulky waste such as refrigerators, washing machines and brown goods such as computers, televisions, mobile phones, etc when comes to its end of life for their current owner (D.S Khetriwal, 2007). It also can be define as waste types that consist of broken or unwanted electronic appliances. E-waste is one of the fastest growing waste issues in the world where it forms 1% of solid waste on an average in developed countries and is expected to grow to 2% by 2020 (UNEP, 2007). The quantities of e-waste are predicted to grow substantially in future both in industrialized countries and in developing countries, with the potential to triple their e-waste by 2010 (UNEP, 2008) which is no exemption for Malaysia. With manufacturers continue to update and invented new electrical and electronic equipments, this has caused the lifespan of old product tend to decrease and this also becoming one of the factor contributes to the rapid growing of waste in today world. Statistics on the total quantity of e-waste generated per year in Malaysia is indistinguishable. However, e-waste generation is directly related to number of appliances used in the country (IMPAK, 2006). Table 1 shows the amount in unit on electrical and electronic product in Malaysia for year 2003. Table 1: The amount of electrical and electronic product for year 2003 Product Amount (Unit) Computer 4, 183,684 Mobile Phones 11,124,000 Television 4.500,000 Radio 9,400,000 Refrigerator 3,500,000 Data source: Era Hijau, 2008, Department of Environment With the growth of electrical or electronic equipments consumed in this country, the management of waste will be a key issue that needs to be urgently addressed especially in e-waste management. The problems that can be identified are the absence of proper mechanism and standards of disposal where it often end up in the waste streams either through recycling or landfill (ToxicLink, 2003). It can be assumed that the disposal of obsolete electrical and electronic products is fundamentally driven by the production of new ones where it implies that the growth in global electronic production of 4.4% in 2002, 6.8% in 2003 will result in similar growth in e-waste management (William, 2005). Without proper management system especially in disposal processes, hazardous materials contained in e-waste can be release into the environment and this will potentially give adverse effect to human health (M. Macauley, 2003). Therefore, it is very important to have a better e-waste management in order t o reduce it effects to both human health and environmental ecosystem in the future. Current status of E-waste management in Malaysia Developing countries usually lack of proper storage spaces or disposal area for e-waste causing their e-waste mixed in domestic landfill, burned with household waste or stored in the attic for years. This problem also occur in Malaysia where most of e-waste end up in landfill as there is no mechanism of proper recycling or safe disposal. The disposal of e-waste in uncontrolled way can pose risk to environment and human health where there are growing of e-waste winding up unnoticed in landfill (NST, 2007). Besides that, many facilities are unable to process e-waste due to constraints in space and handling problem (EQR, 2006). The existing collection and disposal system is inadequate in handling such wastes. This is because the management of e-waste is different with management of solid waste. According to D.S Khetriwal (2007), conventional waste management policies suited to handle traditional waste types and cannot be applied in the case of e-waste due to its characteristic which con tains both highly toxic substances as well as valuable materials which can be recovered. Malaysia already has existing regulation on scheduled wastes where e-waste were categorized under SW110 in First Scheduled of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 2005, but this regulation not directly dealing with e-waste from household. Currently, there is no mechanism of proper segregation or disposal system to encourage public recycle and discard e-waste. The continue generation of e-waste over time, together with lack of structured mechanism of institutional framework and inadequate infrastructure causing e-waste management not well set up. Even though at present electrical or electronic appliances are rarely disposed of inadequate manner, but with little regulation in place, this has created hazards to local populations, as well as to the environment. Study area and data collection The number of electrical or electronic industries in Malaysia is rising. Thus, increased in the consumption of electrical and electronic products is due to its utility in our everyday life. This indirectly explained why the numbers of electrical and electronic waste is increasing. As the urbanization continues to take place, the management of waste is a major public health and environment concern in urban areas of many developing countries. The concern is serious, particularly in the capital cities. Therefore Shah Alam, Selangor is chosen as the starting point for the research. Shah Alam is the capital city for the State of Selangor where it consists of well planned and modern town with the state administrative centre in a spacious and pleasant environment. Shah Alam is an urban city in Petaling and Klang District which is located about 25 kilometres (15 miles) west of the countrys capital, Kuala Lumpur. In 1978, it replaced Kuala Lumpur as the capital city of the State of Selangor due to Kuala Lumpurs incorporation into a Federal Territory in 1974. Shah Alam was the first planned city in Malaysia after independence in 1957. Shah Alam has a similar urban layout to Petaling Jaya and Subang Jaya with housing areas occupying most of the city (55.2 km ²) and commercial centres scattered around the different seksyen (sections). There are about 56 sections in total within 24 zones. Shah Alam is the State of Selangor capital city, has experienced a rapid urbanization and industrialization in the last decade. Urban area where chosen because of the highest communication services are concentrated in urban areas compare to rural areas and most of the development still concentrated in urban areas. The production of E-waste in this area can be assumed as quite high and the management of E-waste by waste generators, recyclers and disposal are crucial. Figure 3.2 shows amount of E-waste generated in Shah Alam is the highest compare to others area in the State of Selangor. Figure 3.2 Amount of e-waste generated in Selangor Area in 2009 Source: DOE Shah Alam report, 2009 Personal interview were conducted with relevant stakeholder that consist of regulatory framework government officials responsible for E-waste management process, as well as senior managers within the E-waste recycling industries (SW. Chung, R.Murakami-Suzuki, 2008) in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. As this is exploratory research, many stakeholders have been approached and interviews were conducted to obtain the understanding on e-waste management issues and problem, opinions and their view. Before meeting the respondents, information has been searched for knowing the involvement of stakeholders in the e-waste management (M. Schluep et al., 2008). The interviews were conducted with stakeholders that were responsible with the management of e-waste in Shah Alam and also directly involved in e-waste management in Malaysia. On the other hand, the respondent were chosen based on convenience sampling where only person that willing to cooperate in this study will be interviewed. This type o f sampling technique was chosen due to limited time and finance. After the interview, the interviews are transcribed and the transcript of each interview was sent back to the interviewee (s) for comment and further questions (P. Manomaivibool, 2009). Secondary data was extracted from a collection of key documents. These documents were collected through library and document searches from many stakeholders including government agencies, industry and business. Collections of key documents consist of documents in the form of publications such as reports, journals, books, and internets. The data gathers are source from report of e-waste inventory project in Malaysia, annual publication of IMPAK magazine by Department of Environment (DOE), Malaysia and environmental quality report of DOE, Malaysia. The data presented in this paper derived mostly from the secondary sources of various literatures and interview with main stakeholders in e-waste management were conducted in order to understand the current issue and problem in e-waste management in Shah Alam, Selangor and Malaysia generally. Trend of e-waste generation Figure 1: Quantities of e-waste generated in Selangor, Malaysia Table 1: Number of e-waste contractors in Selangor, Malaysia. 2007 2008 2009 Number of contractor in Selangor 27 28 27 Data source: DOE, Selangor report, 2007, 2008, and 2009. In the e-waste inventory project of Malaysia report, e-waste is expected to increase in five year ahead and further. This is because at that time the level of public awareness regarding e-waste is increasing due to e-waste had become an important environment issues in 21st century. The other factor that may contribute to the increase of e-waste is due to technologies advancement where people lifestyle change where the replacement of old product with new ones that much better, affordable and easy to use in the future. Even nowadays people are depending on gadgets such as computers and mobile phones in communicating with people around the world. This data only reflects the e-waste that is collected as disassembled components from industries (Malaysia Inventory Report, Accessed on 11/10/2009). Data on quantities of e-waste generated in Shah Alam were gathered from inventory recorded by e-waste contractors for Department of Environment, Selangor using a consignment notes. The increase of e-waste quantities generated give impact to the management of e-waste. The main objective in e-waste management is to reduce the e-waste generated from ending up in landfill site and to reduce the cost of managing e-waste where it contain both highly toxic substances and valuable materials. In 2005, Malaysia has issue e-waste as an environmental concern and marked it as new category of scheduled wastes. Before Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 2005, there are no regulations for e-waste but in Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 1986, the discarded batteries containing lead, mercury, nickel or lithium from battery manufacturing plants are coded under scheduled waste S271. However, E-waste is defined as used electrical and electronic equipments categories as scheduled waste in First Schedule of Environment (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 2005 and been coded as SW110 after takes effect on 15 August 2005. When e-waste become new category of scheduled waste in Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 2005, contractors in Selangor that involved in e-waste recycling and processing are bound to obtain license from Department of Environment, Selangor. With the enforcement of EQSWR 2005, the activity of e-waste inventory were carrying out by DOE, Selangor began in 2007. The number of e-waste contractors license under DOE is about 27 contractors in 2007 and 28 contractors in 2008 but reduce back to 27 contractors in 2009. There are two factors contribute to this reduction; firstly because of economy crisis in 2008 and effected e-waste generated in 2009. This has show in the graph where the amount of e-waste generated in 2008 decrease from 10916 MT/year to 10369 MT/year in 2009. From the literatures sources, when the economic crisis happens, firstly affected is the electronic industry. As a result, the production of electronic product decreasing as well as the quantities of e-waste generated. And secondly because of competition between these contractors result in some of them become passive and some are active. Moreover too many players but the volume e-waste collected is not enough and the high costs for e-waste become a burden to these e-waste contractors. Also according DOE Shah Alam officer, they do not have any data or quantity for each e-waste generated. For this time being, the only data exist is for the whole of SW110 wastes. Figure 1: Quantities of e-waste generated in Shah Alam, Selangor Table 2: Amount of e-waste (MT/year) generates and number of e-waste contractor in Shah Alam, Selangor. 2007 2008 2009 Number of contractor in Shah Alam 9 10 12 Data Data source: DOE, Selangor report, 2007, 2008, and 2009. E-waste generation is different with other hazardous household waste and scheduled waste generated by industries and business sources. The generation is not regular. Its depending on how the individual handle they product during the equipment working lifespan. There are no reports on types of e-waste generated from household as this waste end up mixed with other waste goes to landfill or informally handle by illegal collectors or scrap collectors. Malaysia has issue e-waste as an environmental concern and marked it as new category of scheduled wastes in 2005. Before Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 2005 takes effect, there are no regulations for e-waste. However in the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 1986, the discarded batteries containing lead, mercury, nickel or lithium from battery manufacturing plants are coded under scheduled waste S271 [12]. However, E-waste is defined as used electrical and electronic equipments categories as scheduled waste in First Schedule of Environment (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 2005 and been coded as SW110 after takes effect on 15 August 2005. When e-waste become new category of scheduled waste in Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 2005, contractors in Selangor that wanted to involved in e-waste recycling and processing are bound to obtain license from Department of Environment, Selangor. With the enforcement of EQSWR 2005, the activity o f e-waste inventory were carrying out by DOE, Selangor began in 2007. Figure 1 show that the amount of e-waste generated in Shah Alam is increasing from 5331 MT/year in 2007 to 5388 MT/year in 2009. Amount of e-waste collected by e-waste contractors in Shah Alam is assumed to be all or major portion of e-waste generated in Shah Alam eventually goes to the nearby recyclers and or disposal facilities. However, the generation of e-waste depends on the consumption and production of electrical or electronic product in that year. Currently, the number of e-waste contractors in Shah Alam was increase from only 9 contractors in 2007 to 12 contractors in 2009 as showed in Table 2 where it consist of one full recovery facility and other is partial recovery facilities. However, there are still unknown and unlicensed contractors in Shah Alam operating e-waste collection, recycling and processing. One of the identify company is Scrap Computer Trading Sdn Bhd that located in Shah Alam area. The increase quantities of e-waste each years and without proper management system especially during disposal process, the hazardous materials contain can release into the environment will potentially give adverse effect to human health [15]. In the e-waste inventory project of Malaysia report, e-waste is expected to increase in five year ahead and further. This is because at that time the level of public awareness regarding e-waste is increasing due to e-waste had become an important environment issues in 21st century. The other factor that may contribute to the increase of e-waste is due to technologies advancement where people lifestyle change where the replacement of old product with new ones that much better, affordable and easy to use in the future. Even nowadays people are depending on gadgets such as computers and mobile phones in communicating with people around the world. This data only reflects the e-waste that is collected as disassembled components from industries (Malaysia Inventory Report, Accessed on 11/10/2009). Data on quantities of e-waste generated in Shah Alam were gathered through inventory recorded by e-waste contractors for Department of Environment, Selangor using a consignment notes. The increase of e-waste quantities generated give impact to the management of e-waste. The main objective in e-waste management is to reduce the e-waste generated from ending up in landfill site and to reduce the cost of managing e-waste where it contain both highly toxic substances and valuable materials. Current Status on E-waste management in Shah Alam, Selangor Shah Alam is one of well planned city; the residential areas were located on the site of federal highway and industrial zone on the other. Table 3 shows the e-waste generators, type of e-waste collected by e-waste collectors in Shah Alam, Selangor. Generators in Shah Alam consist of electrical and electronic manufacturers, assemblers, individual consumers, government organizations, corporate users such as banking sectors, etc. Table 3: E-waste generators, type of e-wastes and e-waste collectors in Shah Alam, Selangor. E-waste generators Type of E-waste E-waste collector Manufacturing Industries Disassemblies such as metal scrap, ICT board, rejected wires, etc License e-waste contractor under Department of Environment Government organization, institution Whole unit of e-wastes such as computers, telephone, printers, etc Alam Flora Sdn Bhd; License e-waste contractor under Department of Environment Individual households, publics Sub-unit of e-waste or whole unit of e-waste Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) Types of e-waste generated depend on type of generator and each quantity generated or collected are different from each other. E-waste generate from multinational electrical and electronic manufacturing industries such as Panasonic Sdn Bhd, JVC (M) Sdn Bhd and larger business such as banking sectors, ICT sectors, etc are well collected by licensed contractors. However e-waste generated by individual household uncommonly collected because of quantities of e-waste produce is in small amount. This is because individual households not are regular generator for e-waste compare to business. According to Macauley et al 2003, generally electronics wastes generated by businesses more homogeneous which are comprise of large quantities than electrical waste generated by households [13]. Consignment Notes (Inventory Track System) Sell to other recyclers or local/domestic market Partial Recovery Facilities Licence Collector Generator Kualiti Alam Sdn Bhd Full recovery facilities Disposal of e-waste residue Treatment Alam Flora Sdn Bhd, Local Authority Collect from the public Recyclable materials such as metals scraps and plastic scraps Unlicensed collector Unknown 2nd raw materials Sell to the manufacturers Figure 2: E-waste management in Shah Alam, Selangor E-waste management practice in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia E-waste collection E-waste management in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia is summarized in Figure 2 above from the waste generation until the disposal of the waste. E-waste derived from manufacturers usually consists of disassembled components such as plastic scraps, metal parts and wires which are collected mostly by license e-waste contractors. E-waste generate from domestic area were collected by waste concessionaires such as Alam Flora Sdn Bhd, Solid Waste Management Sdn Bhd. According to Alam Flora officer, they have launched a campaign for collection of e-waste from the public started in year 2006 and focuses only to the unit of computer waste. However for e-wastes collected from the domestic areas will not undergo any separation process because absence of segregation facility and therefore e-wastes collected will be sent straight to landfill site. Alam Flora Sdn Bhd does not provide any facility related to collection of schedule wastes and metals because the value for recycling materials is low and the cost for it proper management is high compare to management of conventional wastes. For Shah Alam residents that wanted to discard their E-waste, Alam Flora also provided call and pick up services. Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) is a local authority in Shah Alam has involved in 3Rs campaign but they focus is not specifically on e-waste. MBSA do not send e-waste to the landfill but e-waste collected to recycling center for further disposal. MBSA indirectly involved in e-waste management for Shah Alam. MBSA has provided a recycling center for Shah Alam community to dispose their bulky wastes and recyclable wastes that include e-wastes. This recycling center known as Shah Alam Recycling Center located in Sekyen 17, Shah Alam, Selangor. With the initiatives located by MBSA to this community; it can be a starting point for e-waste from households to be managed properly. E-waste recycling At present, there are about 12 licensed e-waste contractors in Shah Alam which are responsible in collecting and recycling e-waste. According to DOE of Shah Alam, Shah Alam has 11 registered e-waste contractors with only one company having full recovery licenses. The listed e-waste contractor can be found at DOE website. The rest with partial recovery licenses only allowed carrying out collection, disassembly, segregation, and packing. However, only approved full recovery licenser is allowed to conduct precious metal recovery by utilizing chemicals and electrolysis processes. E-waste collected were dismantled and separated into various part or components which also consist of recyclable and non-recyclable items. The recyclable item usually after processing will be packed for resale locally or export to other countries. Sometimes the recyclable part or component will be distributed to other companies for reuse. E-waste collected by license contractor will be further send whether to partial recovery facilities or directly to full recovery facilities. Partial recovery e-waste contractor also act as a middleman in collecting e-waste from the generators. Usually they used their own transportation to collect e-waste from the waste generators according to tender sign. Recycling process that carry out in partial recovery facilities include manually dismantle into part or component and segregate them into recyclable or non recyclable components. Type of component that usually can be extracting from e-waste is metal scraps such as cooper, steel and aluminum. For plastic scrap usually this type of waste will be sold to other recyclers from domestic market or local market as secondary raw materials. However, for material that had been separate, sorted and crushed in partial recovery facility still considered as scheduled wastes where it need to further treated at prescribed premises. At full recovery facilities, they provide services where most of the item will be recovered for better end products. Beside physical treatment process, chemical treatment (stripping) will be used in order to minimize waste from ending up in landfill sites. The products from e-waste recovery become secondary raw materials for other uses in manufacturing sectors. Disposal of E-waste E-waste generate in electrical and electrical industry were mostly disposed in the provide bins as either provided by the waste generator or the waste contractor depend on types of E-waste disposed. With the structure mechanism of E-waste management by the industries, the waste disposed is recorded using consignment notes where the quantities of E-waste produced is inventory. Some of non recyclable part or component of E-waste will be treated either in full recovery facilities or disposed at Kualiti Alam facilities. DOE also has given license to Kualiti Alam in collecting e-waste as they are one of the responsible agencies in Malaysia that handle scheduled wastes. The final product of e-waste recovery is the e-waste residues. These residues will be sent to sanitary landfill in Bukit Nanas together with other wastes that are not recyclable and non hazardous for further disposal processes. Obstacles in e-waste management Data from the interview are analyzed. During the analysis, code were renames, clustered and group into four issues and problem discussed by the respondents about e-waste management. In the management aspect, e-waste is very complex because of it tendency to cause serious environmental problem in developing countries as in Malaysia. Obstacle identified is technical issues, lack of trained personal, legislation, financial, infrastructure and awareness. Technical Issues The waste generators were responsible with the management of their own scheduled waste include e-waste. Unlike solid waste management where theres by now have a structured mechanism. According to [name must not be reveal], the volume of the electrical and electronic waste is depends on the EE production and current economy status. Another problem is they cannot afford for the other technology or equipment to process electrical and electronic waste except man power. However, there also some manufacturers in Selangor still selling e-waste to unlicensed collector or recycler because the price offer is high. E-waste contractors in Selangor, mostly collect e-waste from EEE industry but not for household e-waste. Lack of improper e-waste disposal, this is because the waste generators do not have suitable places to dispose their waste. In Malaysia, there are still small number of facilities who involves with e-waste processing and recovery. Waste collected from manufacturers or large business were dismantle and separate into various parts and components for resale or recycle or recovery locally while household e-wastes were discarded in municipal bins and disposed off in landfill. Lacking of environmental standards and advanced recycling technologies where most of partial recoveries adopted very simple and uncultured methods in order to achieve higher return as much as possible. From the interview conducted with the partial recovery companies, there are two reasons the collectors cannot afford for a better recycling technologies; a) The equipment is too expensive and; b) The volume of e-waste is small while there are a numbers of collectors out there. If they bought the facilities, it will was te their time and money just like the incinerator case. Currently as in Selangor and Malaysia as general, e-waste were collected while only precious metals are extracted. The recycling processes usually have low recycling rates as for the informal sector where the major thrust for recycling is precious material extraction due to which the other hazardous components are usually dumped in landfill and fate sometimes unknown. However for the formal recycling units the efficiency is less as the collections targets are not met and lack of efficient technologies. According to Dato Nadzri Yahaya, theres an informal sector is going-on where they involved in collecting e-waste dumps with other household waste. The garbage contractors with they own initiative will informally sort out waste that can be recycle such as plastics, aluminum, e-waste, etc before other non-recyclables waste sent to the landfill sites. However, disposal of E-waste from household is an issue where these wastes dispose in the municipal bins together with other wastes as there is still no segregation unlicensed collector where they collect this waste and process only certain part or compo nent of E-waste and treatment for others is unknown. Even the television for example put together with other waste outside the resident premises, after couple of hours, the waste gone and the fate of the waste is unidentified. Financial Issue There is not much to discuss about financial issues because this paper focus more to management per se. In Malaysia, E-waste has been treated same as scheduled waste except it is not to dangerous and contaminated if directly contact with this wastes. Currently, there is no financial scheme or initiatives given to the e-waste recyclers by government. According to officer from Kualiti Kitar Alam, the recyclers especially scrap collector that not control or license under DOE buy e-waste from waste generators with high price and the treatment for the waste collected by this parties is unknown. Sometimes, most of the waste contractors consist of illegal contractors or recyclers. Legislation Issue Malaysia already has existing regulation on scheduled wastes where e-waste were categorized under SW110 in First Scheduled of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 2005, but this regulation not directly dealing with e-waste from household. Currently, there is no mechanism of proper segregation or disposal system to encourage public recycle and discard e-waste. The continue generation of e-waste over time, together with lack of structured mechanism of institutional framework and inadequate infrastructure causing e-waste management not well set up. Even though at present electrical or electroni
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