Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Argument Of Free Will And Determinism Philosophy Essay
The Argument Of Free Will And Determinism Philosophy Essay Determinism is when a persons behaviour is considered to be affected by internal or external forces while free will is an individuals ability to make most decisions. If we agree to a deterministic description of psychology then we can precisely foretell human behaviour, which results in psychology being in a similar field of science as physics or chemistry. According to Watson, (1982:2), determinism is the view roughly, that every event and state of affairs is causally necessitated by preceding events and states of affairs. On the other hand according to Gross, (2009:210) free will is, the common sense, lay persons understanding of the term is that the actor could have behaved differently given the same circumstances. This essay will explore the different approaches to free will and determinism from different theorists for example behaviourists, neo-behaviourists and so on. The argument of free will and determinism between psychologists and philosophers has existed for years. People who are determined assume that behaviour is determined by outside and internal forces performing on the human being. One example of an outside force could be parents supporting a kind of behaviour thereby encouraging it. On the other hand an internal force would be driven by hormones. People who believe in free will assume that things are a bit difficult (Eysenck, 1994). They know that there is external and internal factors but they believe that people are free to choose their own behaviour. The free will and determinism debate could be finished up by the query that could a persons behaviour have been different in a certain situation if they willed it?(Eysenck, 1994:65) People who are deterministic would disagree and those who believe in free will would agree. Determinism is supported by more theories in psychology than free will. Behaviourists are highly determinists and they argue that the universe is ruled by certain widespread systematic principles (Eysenck, 1994). They believe an action is initiated by a certain presiding cause, and a persons action is no exception. Behaviourists also believe that accurate judgement of peoples behaviour is likely, if a persons present stimulus circumstance is recognized, and if their habitual past is recognised. Skinner (1971, cited in Gross, 2009) claimed that behaviour is determined by ecological factors and that people usually replicate behaviours that are rewarded. According to Skinner free will is an illusion. Bandura, a neobehaviourist, believed in reciprocal determinism and pointed a weakness in Skinners methodology. If human behaviours are truly determined by the external incentives and retributions, then people would always transform to conform to other people. Bandura specified that behaviour is learned from the environment through the process of observational learning (Chance, 2009). Children watch the behaviour of people surrounding them and the people being watched are named models. In society children are influenced by many people or models for example parents, actors on televisions and other models they meet at schools. Children copy these behaviours and then practise these behaviours later on in life. Bandura demonstrated with the bobo doll experiment. He illustrated how there can be hidden learning until a reward or stimulus is used to encourage that behaviour. Young children copied to either strike, or not strike the bobo doll. Only the children that witnessed the model, not g etting positive reinforcement for striking the doll really got involved in that activity. Skinner concentrated mainly on the concept that peoples behaviours are determined by the outside world. When an individuals behaviour is determined by force or punishment it is clear that there is no act of free will. One example of that could be being scared of committing an offence or crime because of the fear of going to prison. Likewise we are also shaped by positive reinforcements, for example being paid a bonus for working overtime (Gross, 2009). However we usually forget about external causes of our behaviour and assume that we are acting freely. When we are determined that we are acting freely this usually implies that we are free from negative reinforcements and this is usually a result of the awards or positive reinforcements we have had in the past. However peoples behaviours also influence their surroundings. Skinner ignored the large number of causes of behaviour. Freud also deeply believed in determinism. According to Freud, people are determined by certain unconscious feelings, outside their consciousness. Minor occurrences like referring to a person with another persons name are a result of fixed causes in the persons motivational system. Freudian slips are involuntary but motivated errors that reveal a persons true desires. According to the Psychodynamic approach internal techniques like defence mechanisms verify the type of behaviours people will have as adults. People are developmentally oriented and will biologically grow in relation to the satisfaction of their natural ability if inner circumstances are positive. However, this differs with Freuds opinion of humans as basically savage beasts, whose hostile drives and volatile sexuality can only be managed by the procedure and arrangement of civilization. Freud was negative towards human nature and saw the instinctive desires of the id as driving people near the self -centred gratificati on of primitive desires. According to the biological approach behaviour is determined by a persons chromosome and inner systems (Eysenck, 1994). When looking at mental disorders this method expresses that the patient is not to blame for their illness. Their biology inclines them to certain situations thereby making it unmanageable unless their biological make up is influenced. This has been supported to an extent, with the understanding that schizophrenia is caused by extreme chemicals in the brain that carries messages. The chaos theory and butterfly effect are an example that show that while psychology is deterministic it is best explained as probabilistic. On the other hand the humanistic approach argues that people have freewill. Carl Rogers argued that people have an inborn desire for positive growth and self-actualisation (Gross, 2009). An individual should be responsible for their behaviour. Rogers suggested client centred therapy where the therapist is known as a facilitator whose job is to help patients exercise free will. Humanistic psychologists argue that the notion that people are controlled by external forces is wrong. However Rogers also looked at the bad side of people and he quoted that, in my experience, every person has the capacity for evil behaviour. I, and others ,have had murderous and cruel impulses, desires to hurt, feelings of anger and rage ,desires to impose our wills on others à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ whether I or anyone, will translate these impulses into behaviour depends, it seems to me ,on two elements : social conditioning and voluntary choiceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I believe that theoretically at least, every evil behavio ur is brought about by varying degrees of these elements (Rogers,1982 cited in Gross,2009:225). A problem for free will is causality. Free will would imply that nothing triggers an action; someone showing only random behaviour would be listed as mentally ill. Free will needs to clarify what triggers actions to occur or else behaviours are predicted to be determined. The ethical argument assumes people have free will. According to this, in order to expect ethical accountability, people must acknowledge the notion of free will. If a persons behaviour is determined by things that they cannot control then the person cannot be accountable for their actions (Hospers, 1997). However, on the other hand, laws require that grown up people do have individual accountability for their actions and so society is indirectly in favour of free will (Teichman Evans, 1999). Soft determinism is an approach that argues that all acts are caused, but only those that are not coerced or constrained are free (Gross, 2009:211). William James supported this approach which is average in relation to the two extreme opinions. According to James effort, or the impression of effort, is the main personal sign that free will has taken place. James also specified that , if our actions have, as their proximate ,immediate cause, processing by a system such as conscious mental life, t hen they count as free ,rational, voluntary, purposive actions (Gross,2009:220). Fromm claims that people are both part of the environment and also unrelated to it. People formed primitive dogmas and religious doctrines to allow them to feel less detached from the world. In Europe until lately the Catholic Church accomplished this position of giving a feeling of security. The church intervened between God and humankind, ensuring deliverance but in the course restricting human liberty (Gross, 2009). I believe we are influenced by our nature which is a combination of what we get from our genes and what we learn from our environment. Sometimes we are forced to make decisions and only get options that are forced upon us by the circumstances we are in. Those circumstances may be a direct result of previous decisions or may largely be decided by luck. Things do not usually turn out the way we really want it. I would agree that people are free to make choices that shape their lives, but, on the contrary people are related to society and consequently ones behaviour can have an effect on others despite the insignificance of the behaviour. I think the notion of cause and effect comes in the picture because there is the notion of right and wrong and the existence of society. For me then, behaviour is significant in both free will and determinism. The way you act is influenced by freedom to make choices in your life, however if put to mind, the decisions are more determined by environment and by current surroundings. (1589) How I have used feedback I have changed the way I used to put my full stops after writing a sentence and I have also worked on using shorter and understandable sentences. I have also sorted the areas where writing was in places, over complex and ungrammatical. I have also put references where they were missing and have also put the word count at the end of my essay.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Marketing A Sports Organization
When watching football on television, we get so sidetracked in the game and in the players that we forget about another part of the team. The marketing team is a large part of the sports team. Without the group of people who help get the recognition, sales, promotions, the football team would have a more difficult time surviving. The marketing mix is one of the most often used phrases in marketing. The four marketing tactics, also known as the four â€Å"P’s,†are price, product, place, and promotion. compares the marketing mix to that of a cake mix. All of the ingredients are essential to having the positive outcome that is desired. If the cake needs more sugar, you can add more sugar, if it needs more milk, you can add more milk. The same thing applies to the marketing mix. Perhaps the price needs to be altered for that positive outcome. Any of the tactics can be altered to suit the product and to get the outcome that is desired. When applying the marketing mix, the kind of organization that we are dealing with has to be considered. There is a difference between an amateur sports organization and a professional sports organization. In order to properly assess the commonalties and differences among the marketing mix developed for Diving Canada (Amateur Sport Organization) and the Toronto Blue Jays (Professional Sport Organization), it is imperative that one has a true understanding of the four elements that drives the marketing mix. The marketing mix was developed as a means to provide marketers with a strategy that would allow them to blend together various factors in order to achieve an organization’s objectives. To successfully implement this strategy, marketers must address the four specific tactics, or â€Å"ingredients†that will make the strategy work. Price is the factor that allows marketers to add value (a numerical representation) on the goods and services they are offering based on their ability to stimulate demand. Product on the other hand, refers to the tangible (good) physical aspect or service that encompasses such things as; brand name, functionality or packaging. Conversely, place relates to the specific geographical location that marketers feel is most appropriate to distribute their product/service to the general public. In order to engage in a successful deliverance, marketers must properly plan tactful promotional strategies that will inform their targeted market with the necessary information to make a purchase. If the aforementioned is utilized effectively, marketers will be able to achieve their organization’s goal in an efficient and productive manner According to, Juan Manuel de Toro, a professor at the IESE business school said that marketing for a sport’s organization should be, â€Å"Orientated toward consumers. It’s about thinking, deciding and acting in terms of the final consumer.† He said that as a result to this, â€Å"you have to know who your consumers are, and what they want and need. As much as possible, you have to tailor your offer to their needs, so you can get to know them and provide them with a worthwhile benefit. The orientation is toward the market, not to the product.†For instance, diving is growing to be very popular in Canada. According to, Canada is the number one diving nation in the world. Emphasizing that Canada is known for its diving is important. This will appeal to the emotional aspect of the marketing. It gives a sense of pride. When it comes to sports, pride sells. There are many organizations that would like to partner with one of the sports that Canada is known for. Sponsorship can make or break a sports marketing plan. Because the team is not necessarily a business and has different purposes than a business does, the marketing for a sports team is different. People watch sports for entertainment, and largely for the emotional aspect of it. There is some emotional reason why each person becomes passionate for sports. Whether it was a family sport for some, or whether they were athletes in the sport when younger, the customer has a reason. To successfully market, the marketing team must get into the heads of their customers and find out what that reason is. According to, Toro said, â€Å"You are dealing with more than just a service; the sports consumer is looking for entertainment, diversion, passion, emotion; you have to consider his complete emotional dedication.†Sandro Rosell, who is the vice-president the Futbal Club Barcelona, argued, â€Å"In sports marketing, it is very hard to bring business needs and emotional needs together.†Although Rosell is right, it is hard to do, it is possible. For an amateur organization, the price can be a big problem. There will be less money for marketing when the organization is amateur. What is used has to be used wisely. When seeking a partnership, there are a couple of options. Public or private organizations or state and local partnerships are often considered. One organization that would most likely be used for Diving Canada would be FINA, the world’s largest organization for aquatic sports. The sponsorship covers part of the price aspect. To gain a good idea of the price, penetration pricing could be considered. Penetration pricing is when the price is set low, on purpose, until interest is gained and then the price is raised higher. This would probably be a good idea for Diving Canada. Because it is an amateur sport, some customers might be a little leery of supporting it; however, because it is a sport that Canada is known for, they will most likely support it if the price is right. Once they begin supporting it and see how positive it is for them, the price can be raised and they will not refuse. Promotion for an amateur sports organization can be somewhat tricky. Sponsorship is found in promotion as well as the price. Without the sponsors supporting the team, it is difficult to have the promotion that is necessary. Since Diving Canada’s organization is more about achievement than money, they are not as well known as the Blue Jays. According to, one way to promote a team like the Diving Canada is to have a website devoted to them where they would gain large exposure. While this does cost extra money, the website believes that the price would be worth it in the end. A professional sport organization such as the Toronto Blue Jays is an association that is part of a much larger family that stretches across North America. These organizations are limited in the amount of teams that are able to compete and encompass a huge consumer database consisting of fans, spectators, participants, employees, sponsorship companies and much more. The Toronto Blue Jays, a Toronto based baseball team, is one of the thirty members of this professional sport organization. Diving Canada on the other hand is considered to be a non for profit amateur sport that was created to facilitate the growth and development of diving as a sport in Canada. Although not as large or consumer driven, Diving Canada represents nine provincial diving associations consisting of sixty seven local diving clubs with over 4,000 performing athletes. The main goal of diving Canada is to â€Å"become the number one diving nation in the world.†Unlike the Toronto Blue Jays Association who are profit driven, Diving Canada’s mission is to â€Å"provide all divers, from entry level participants to Olympic and World champions, with the programs and services required to achieve personal excellence and self fulfillment.†Before distinguishing the differences and commonalities of their respective marketing mixes, it is important to understand the underlying differences between a professional and an amateur. Professionals, who participate in sports organizations such as the Toronto Blue Jays are usually required to encompass a large array of knowledge achieved through intensive training and practicing. These individuals often have a large affect on society and are required to exploit their independence both in society and in the workplace. Furthermore, the single largest distinction between an amateur and a professional is the funding for the sport. Professionals are paid individuals who are part of a large organization, and are paid based on their active participation Amateurs, on the other hand usually refers to individuals who are not performing for money, but instead are doing so for self interest usually through an academic setting. Now that the differences between a paid professional and a working amateur, have been distinguished we discussion of the differences and similarities among the marketing mix can be continued. Sports â€Å"products†is the first part of the marketing mix that will be analyzed and discussed in relation to both The Toronto Blue Jays and Diving Canada. A sport product consists of a good or a service that is created for the purpose of providing a benefit to its many existing users (participants, sponsorship companies, spectators etc†¦). It can provide physical benefits which can be seen through its; its quality design, features, packaging, variety or it can provide intangible benefits, such as the excitement and thrill participants acquire when watching or attending their favorite sport game. Although Diving Canada is an amateur sport they share many of the same existing users. Both organizations have many participants providing entertainment for their fans (their consumers), while following specific rules and guidelines governed by officials, instructors, coaches, etc. Furthermore, both engage in acquiring sponsorships as a means to provide excess cash to run a successful event. Regarding the intangible benefits, there are many similarities as both organizations are proving entertainment for their spectators. However, one of the main differences is that participants in Diving Canada are competing for self-fulfillment (not getting paid), opposed to many of the players on the Toronto Blue Jays who participate for the swollen salary. Although both organizations are very competitive in nature, Diving Canada places a much larger emphasis on achieving personal excellence and self-satisfaction (individually) while the Toronto Blue Jays place a large emphasis on winning a championship as a whole rather than individual participation. Regarding the tangible aspects, there are many differences among the two organizations. There is much more variety offered by the Toronto Blue Jays seen through; the different field positions played (short stop, centre field, catcher, pitcher), equipment (bats, helmets, uniforms, gloves), demographics and viewing capabilities (radio, TV). Although, there is variety in Diving Canada, participants have limited equipment such as bathing suits or goggles, they differ by having much less exposure. TV and radio promotions are limited. The quality of entertainment is usually higher in professional sports, but can is too complex to judge as entertainment can only be judged in the eye of the beholder. Although both organizations design their sport wear to embody company logos, the Toronto Blue Jays place a much larger emphasis on its uniqueness as a way to drive sales and attract consumer purchases of uniforms, hats, gloves, etc†¦One of the biggest differences recognized among the two organizations is the brand name which is perceived through their logos. The Toronto Blue Jays have a much more distinguished and recognized logo compared to Diving Canada. Although Diving Canada does have a signature logo, recognized as widely as the Toronto Blue Jays due to the limited exposure, demand and publicity for the event. The largest difference between the Blue Jays and Diving Canada is money. However, in the words of Shaquille O’Neal, â€Å"I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, [and] wear Reebok.†Though the two sports are extremely different in marketing, it is interesting to see how the same formula  price, place, promotion, and product, can be tailored to work successfully for both. Works Cited Dunn, Paige, and Patty Deutsche. â€Å"Sports Marketing Devision.†E-Agency. 2006. 6 Dec. 2006 â€Å"Diving Plongeon Canada.†Diving. 2006. 6 Dec. 2006 ;;. â€Å"Marketing Mix.†Marketing Teacher. 2006. 6 Dec. 2006 ;;. O'neal, Shaquille. â€Å"The Sports Quote †¦ the Best of the Best.†Famous Quotes and Quotations. 2006. 6 Dec. 2006 . â€Å"Sports Marketing: the Motor That Drives the Sports Business.†Marketing. 18 May 2005. 6 Dec. 2006 .
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Medical Argumentative Essay Topics Secrets That No One Else Knows About
Medical Argumentative Essay Topics Secrets That No One Else Knows About Life, Death and Medical Argumentative Essay Topics The standard of healthcare services is among the most vital things that predetermines a nation's well-being. Topics related to health provide a wonderful selection of choice. Urgent and essential healthcare services are provided dependent on the needs as opposed to financial opportunities. Should you need some help, don't be afraid to use the help of professional academic writers. Facts, in the long run, will always win out against how folks are feeling at a specific moment. Pay close attention to all things electronic, and you will be certain to find something debatable of what you see. The first thing which one must do is to rate the topic. Choose from popular topics that folks are passionate about. There are invariably a vast range of opinions on the field of technology, and here are our favourite things to consider on this issue. The introduction should offer general information which will be included in the short article. The topic has to be interesting, the topic has to be essential and finally the topic has to be informative. The topic chosen for the purpose should be attractive in the view of many readers. Each school is permitted to place its very own further requirements. Thus, you can ask all the essential questions and consult on some points. Any borrowed ideas are also contained in the major body. When you begin research it's better to come across a fantastic study space from which you are able to review publications or look up items in the library database. Writing an argumentative essay can occasionally be confusing since you don't necessarily understand how to compose a convincing argument. Arguments always occur in a particular context. Constructive ar guments are typical among medical students. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to locate ready-made essays and use them as an example. Maybe you presently have a generalized idea of what things to write in your mind, and the following will allow you to concentrate on some specific thought or perhaps change your choice. Before concluding the essay, it is critical to summarise with a strong emphasis on the subject. Any fantastic task finishes with an excellent conclusion and the very best examples of the argumentative essay will arrive in with a conclusion with an overview of all of the points together with a gist of the evidences provided. Medical essay topics greatly vary based on the program unit. They cover a range of current events, as well as history, ethics and sociology. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's important to at all times be critically considering the world around us. Tackling medical argumentative essay topics is never an easy job. Education scholars are continuously evolving the way that they think about how we learn and what's taught. Generally, the teachers or professors assign the topics independently. It's thus critical for students to go through medical school essays examples to obtain a notion of what it is that they are anticipated to do. Not just that but students will be in a position to access their online courses and be in a position to follow along with the lecture through powerpoints. The End of Medical Argumentative Essay Topics The sphere of medicine is full of potential paper topics which may cover previous therapy options in contrast to current medicinal research or the several therapy levels that are provided in various countries. It is very important to analyze many distinctive problems related to health when studying. Discuss ways of monitoring who'd qualify for free therapy, and who would be expected to cover it. Because medical treatment differs widely around the Earth, there are a lot of comparison topics within the discipline. The very first step is where a lot of students become stuck. There's a number of factors which make our health care essay examples highly helpful in boosting your writing abilities. There's a proper means to write and organize the entire data in a logical sense, which students aren't conscious of. You may observe that the practice is nearly always the exact same. Young writers may try simple on-line citation generators which are typically at no charge. Our crew of professional writers with the crucial experience and writing skills is always prepared to fulfill your demands and exceed your expectations. F. Bacon The main intention of the capital isn't to get as much money as possible, yet to make sure that money causes a better life. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on distinct views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Who is the Famous Walt Disney - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 892 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/10/30 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Walt Disney Essay Did you like this example? Walt Disney was just a kid following his dream of making cartoons. He always wanted to help people through hard times. There was trouble trying to go big in this life. He fought through all the bad things until he reached his dream. Could he do anymore in is life than what we imagine. Disney was a good kid at such a young age. He was always trying to help people. He lived through the great depression trying to make a big difference. Walt was always moving it seemed like as a kid. Walt wanted to join the army when America joined the first World War but he was underage. Since he was underage and was unable to join the army he still wanted to do something to help people. He joined the Red Cross in late 1918. Disney was sent to France to drive an ambulance. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Who is the Famous Walt Disney?" essay for you Create order He decided to move back to Kanas city in 1919 to follow is dream. He found work in that area of work he wanted to do in life. When arriving in Kansas he founded a series of jobs that didnt really live up to his needs of a job. He kept with the jobs he didnt like until he could find a job in the film industry. He found work at the Kansas City film ad company. Walt Disney worked hard and got a great opportunity to work in relatively field of animation. He became successful in the early learning of his cartoon work. Walt was doing so well he was set up with his own studio Laugh-O-Gram. Disney was faced with trouble trying to make enough money to keep his studio going. His cartoons were not as popular as he hoped they would have been. His studio was in trouble and he knew it. Walt had to come up with an idea fast before he went bankrupt. With all the high labor costs his studio wasnt making business and ended up going bankrupt before he could do anything. He decided to go to Hollywood which he could maybe find a new job where the film industry was growing. Walt wanted to find a job that he could make a difference while doing something he loved, so he was on the search to find what that was. He had huge ideas what he wanted to do for the films and even wanted to do more. In 1924 he had a huge idea that he wanted to make an animated full movie just at the age of 23. He wanted to call this movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The movie wasnt an easy thing to do but Walt fought through it and made it a big hit. There was a lot of money put into it but Walt was hit with a curveball when he ran out of money trying to make his dream come true. He wasnt sure what to do but luckily some of his fans were so devoted to Walt that they helped him with the money. If it wasnt for Disneys fans the movie might not have even got completed. The movie turned out being a great success making eight million dollars on the very first release. Reviews were out the roof they were so great and everyone seemed to love it. This is the beginning for Walt and everyone is very excited to see what else he has up his sleeve. Disney was happy that the movie worked out after all. Walt Disney was making his dreams come true in 1932.He was winning awards and didnt even know what to with them. He was nominated for the best animated short film Mickeys Orphans. Disney won the academy honorary award. He also won the best animated short film, Flowers and Trees. Walt always underestimated himself when he was nominated for any kind of award. Occurring to article about Award-winning Walt, Walts niece, Patty, remembered, Tom Jones, a Studio publicist, was assigned to take Walt to the Academy Awards one year. Walt told Lilly not to bother coming to the event because he didnt think he was going to win anything. So Walt went to the Awards and got so many that the press took photos of him holding all these Oscars. Walt Disney was a Christian protestant and was part of the Congregational Church. Walt never expressed his religion much. He wasnt sure about the whole situation. [Quoted from Roland Grammons book] Faith is a star, Walt say I am personally thankful that my parents taught me at a very early age to have a strong personal belief and reliance in the power of prayer for divine inspiration. My people were members of the congregational church in our home town of Marceline, Missouri. It was there where I was first taught the efficacy of religion should play in everyday life. I [] prayer. Some interesting facts about Walt Disney that most people dont know. He was determined to produce a long animated film even though everyone thought it was an awful idea. When word got out that Disney planned to turn Snow White into a feature film, industry insiders were convinced his effort was going to turn out awful and he would make a big mistake. But you all know that didnt happen and the show turned into a huge hit.
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